公共英语2 B层 题库


公共英语2 B层 题库.doc


Part I Vocabulary and Grammar   

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. (每题1, 20分)

1Staying in a hotel costs_____ renting a room in a dormitory for a week.

A. three times than                         B. three times as much as  

C. as much three times as                    D. as much three times

2She did her shopping _____ home.

A. in the way        B. by the way         C. on the way         D. that

3The doctors office was so busy that there was nobody to answer the phone.

A. additional        B. available           C. able               D. alive

4The ground is wet now, so it_____ last night.

A. ought to have rained                    B. should have rained  

C. must have rained                       D. would have rained

5I cant_____ being treated rudely like this any more.

A. hesitate          B. tolerate          C. appreciate         D. estimate

6__________ , I would tell him everything about it.

A. If he should come tomorrow               B. If he would come tomorrow  

C. If he will come tomorrow                 D. If he has come tomorrow

7Could you give me your phone number ___ I need your help?

A. in case          B. so that             C. unless           D. whether

8In some sense, kindergarten is a better place_____ small children than their own families.

A. to bring up       B. to deal with       C. to get along      D. to cheer up

9----- This is one of the oldest trees in the world.

----- ________such a big tree.

A. I have seen never                     B. Never have I seen  

C. I havent never seen                   D. Never I have seen

10This new style of sports shoes is very popular and it is _____ in all sizes.

A. important         B. active          C. available         D. famous

11She gave up her ______ as a reporter at the age of 25.

A. career           B. interest            C. life           D. habit

12Customers consider location as the first factor when _____ a decision about buying a house.

A. make            B. made            C. to make         D. making

13_____ a wonderful trip he had when he traveled in China!

A. Where            B. How            C. What          D. That

14Time _____ very fast and a new year will begin soon.

A. takes off         B. goes by         C. pulls up          D. gets along

15I have collected lots of stamps, ____ were given by my friends.

A. most of them     B. most of that     C. most of which   D. most of what

16Wang Tao is my classmate. He is taller than ____ in our class.

A. any student     B. all the boys   C. any other student    D. other students

17______ coal, the most important natural fuels are gas and oil.

A. Apart from      B. Except for         C. Except          D. Beside

18Thousands of people took part in the work when the old temple ______

A. was rebuilding                        B. was being rebuilt  

C. would be rebuilt                       D. had been rebuilt

19Seldom _____ to the cinema before he married.

A. he went           B. went he         C. did he go        D. he goes

20_____ she turned out to be a thief surprised all of us.

A. That             B. Why             C. Which         D. Who

21The man talked about New York as if he ______.

A. was there         B. would be there     C. is there    D. had been there

22Mary, as well as Lily, ______ Japanese very hard.

A. study            B. studies        C. has studied       D. had studied

23If you need more information, please contact us _____ telephone or e-mail.

A. in               B. by              C. on             D. for

24I feel its a great honor for me _____ to this party.

A. to invite        B. invite        C. having invited      D. to be invited

25The small company is _____ to handle this large order.

A. able           B. probable        C. reasonable       D. possible

26It has been quite a long time _____ the two companies established a business relationship.

A. although          B. because           C. if          D. since

27Is it the second time that you _____ here?

A. have been         B. come             C. if          D. were  

28Before _____ for the job, you will be required to take a language test.

A. apply           B. applying           C. applied      D. to apply

29I hope my boy-friend will be handsome, healthy and ____ kind-hearted.

A. above all          B. in all            C. at all         D. after all

30Ships are ____ than planes that people take them mainly for pleasure.

A. very much slower                        B. so much slower  

C. too much slower                         D. much more slower

31________ leaves the office last should turn off the air conditioner.

A. Who           B. Whoever       C. The person        D. Anyone

32I hope they ____ this road by the time we come back next summer.

A. have repaired   B. will repair     C. are to repair    D. will have repaired

33If I _____ that your business was growing so rapidly, I wouldnt have been worried about it.

A. know          B. knew          C. had known       D. have known

34Their loud parties have recently caused a number of _____ from the other people in the building.

A. compositions   B. communications    C. competitions    D. complaints

35No sooner _____ than the crowd rushed toward it.

A. had the train stopped                     B. the train had stopped  

C. had stopped the train                     D. has the train stopped

36He has made _____ in this field.

A. much progress      B. many progress    C. many progresses    D. many

37The ages of the students in this class ______ from 18 to 21.

A. very             B. vary          C. change           D. knowing

38Many companies provide their employees ______ free lunch during the weekdays.

A. by               B. with              C. to           D. for

39She didnt receive the application form; it _____ to the wrong address.

A. sent            B. be sent          C. was sent         D. being sent

40This topic ______ for years.

A. has been talked about                   B. has talked about    

C. has been talked                        D. famous

41It _____ a nice day to me. Why not go out for a picnic?

A. looks after        B. looks like        C. looks for        D. since

42Your happiness depends partly on your _____ towards life.

A. manner          B. altitude          C. attitude         D. set out

43They have _____ us a lot of useful suggestions on this project.

A. offered          B. offer            C. offering         D. to apply

44Do you think English is a sort of _____ language

A. universe          B. ordinary         C. universal       D. after all

45It suddenly occurred to me that we could ______ the police for help.

A. ask              B. look            C. tell            D. meet

46Do you mind _____ the light for me?

A. turning on        B. to turn on        C. be turning on    D. turned on

47The line was busy; someone ______ the cell phone.

A. must use     B. must be using     C. must have used    D. may be using

48It was in Jonsons hotel ____ the business meeting was held last year.

A. this           B. that               C. what          D. which

49Id appreciate it if you could tell me how _____ the machine.

A. operate        B. to operate          C. operating      D. operated

50Im sorry, but I have a question to _____ you.

A. treat          B. influence             C. ask         D. change

51Life is more enjoyable to people _____ are open to new ideas.

A. whose         B. whom              C. who         D. which

52We are often told by our parents never to _____ till tomorrow what we can do today.

A. give out        B. come up          C. put off          D. turn on

53Im pleased to tell you that the fax machines you ordered are ______ now.

A. available        B. convenient        C. wonderful       D. important

54The new manager has greatly changed the company ____ he took over the position.

A. if               B. since           C. although         D. while

55The work seemed easy at first but it _____ to be quite difficult.

A. broke out       B. turned out        C. worked out        D. set out

56Could you please ________ why you cant come to attend the meeting?

A. explain         B. understand        C. give            D. discussion

57John decided to ________the present job in order to travel around the world.

A. give up        B. put up           C. wake up          D. break up

58No one, except his two best friends, ______ where he is.

A. know          B. knows           C. to know          D. knowing

59The Quality Control Staff is responsible _____ the quality of the products that come out of the factory.

A. for               B. of              C. with           D. to

60Do not_______ me to help you unless you work harder.

A. expect            B. hope            C. depend        D. think

61Computer technology makes it______ for people to work from home.

A. harmful          B. serious          C. possible        D. difficult

62The computer program is designed for the ______of easy online reading.

A. experience        B. purpose         C. invitation       D. decision

63The business talk_____ next week when the CEO of your company comes.

A. was held      B. is being held     C. will be held       D. has been held

64As a school boy, I already knew the sun ______ the center of the solar system.

A. be               B. is               C. was          D. it

65Of course our ______ relationship is very good.But business is business.

A. person         B. personal        C. privacy       D. people

66I ______ keep in touch with my friends through e-mail.

A. prefer to          B. enjoy            C. prefer        D. like

67It was only a ______ injury, not at all serious.

A. small             B. slight           C. serious        D. separate

68He ______ yesterday morning, and would stay for three days.

A. checked          B. checked in        C. checked out     D. check

69He is always on time for classes. The teacher often praises him for being ____.

A. punctual      B. punctuality      C. punctuation     D. punctilious

70Id like to ______ my parents greetings to you and your family.

A. offer               B. give            C. convey        D. contact

71Lets give him ______ hand.The car is waiting for us outside ______ school.

A. a…… the       B. the…… the……   C. a……a        D. a……/

72We ______ for any inconvenience caused by the train's delay.

A. apology            B. apologize          C. sorry        D. so

73I ______ my boss of my arrival in Tokyo.

A. asked              B. told             C. informed      D. in

74we dont know who has had the classroom______ .

A. cleaned            B. clean           C. cleaning      D. be cleaning

75______ his own boss for such a long time, he found it hard to accept orders from another.

A. Having been        B. to have been     C. To be       D. Been

76Mary had no sooner finished her report______the bell rang.

A. When              B. and            C. as          D. than

77The reason why he sends her a gift immediately is ______if he doesnt.

A. that she will disappoint               B. that she will be disappointed  

C. because she will disappoint            D. because she will be disappointed

78In all newspapers there are different comments______the six-party talks.

A. on                B. in              C. for          D. about

79The football match was ______than I had expected.

A. even exciting                        B. so more exciting  

C. a lot much exciting                   D. far more exciting

80All the Chinese people are getting more and more excited when Spring Festival is  ______near.

A. joining         B. drawing           C. operating        D. taking

81Ive never seen the boy______next to the woman.

A. sits            B. sitting              C. sat            D. to sit

82I really appreciate______to help me, but I am sure that I can manage by myself.

A. your offering   B. you to offer   C. that you offer  D. that you are offering

83The twins were dressed______in red T-shirt so I couldnt tell which was which

A. like            B. likely              C. alike          D. liking

84They will be______if you dont go to their wedding.

A. offended         B. protected          C. objected       D. defended

85Encourage children to______some of their pocket money to buy Christmas presents.

A. set out           B. take off          C. put aside        D. give in

86In this world nothing______to be certain, except death and taxes.

A. can say          B. to be say          C. to say         D. can be said

87It is a long time______we met last time.

A. as               B. since             C. which        D. when

88Not until midnight________.

A. did the noise stop                     B. the noise stopped  

C. the noise did stop                     D. stopped the noise

89_____ the prices of color TV set down by 50%, the company has a very hard time.

A. For             B. because of         C. with          D. As

90She said she would live in London for ________ four or five years.

A. another         B. the other           C. other        D. every other

91Mr. Smith used to smoke ________ but he has given it up recently.

A. roughly          B. seriously         C. heavily         D. hardly

92Is it in that factory________ Red Flag cars are produced?

A. which           B. when             C. that           D. as

93Hospital doctors don't go out very often as their work ________ all their time.

A. takes in       B. takes away         C. takes over      D. takes up

94The United States is ________ the south of Canada and to the east of Japan.

A. to           B. on                C. in             D. at

95The waiter stood at the corner of the room, waiting to ________ the next course.

A. eat          B. serve              C. make          D. cook

96After her graduation from middle school, she decided to ________ her education in Paris.

A. further        B. keep            C. practice         D. remain

97Not until all the fish died in the river ________ how serious the pollution was

A. the villagers realized                   B. the villagers did realize  

C. did the villagers realize                 D. didn't the villagers realize

98Our store _____the community for more than 5 years.

A. serves       B. will serve         C. served       D. has been serving

99She couldnt help _____of her son who was studying away from home.

A. thinking         B. thought        C. think          D. thinks

100The purpose of the promotion party is _____ salespersons excellent accomplishments in recent years.

A. celebrate        B. celebrated      C. to celebrate     D. be celebrated

101He speaks English fluently, _____helps him a lot in foreign trade negotiation.

A. that            B. which          C. what          D. this

102It was not until she arrived at the airport _____she realized she had forgotten her passport .

A. that            B. where          C. when          D. and

103_____ is announced in todays newspaper the Guangzhou Export Commodities Fair is open on Sunday.

A. That           B. What           C. As            D. It

104Youd better have your car _____immediately ,or you will be late for work.

A. repair         B. repaired         C. repairing        D. to repair

105Most employees are ________ the proposal that working time be more flexible.

A. in            B. for             C. to              D. with

106We require that the sales representative of your company _____us of any change in price as soon as possible .

A. inform          B. informs         C. informed       D. has informs

107You can ask these experts ______advice in job hunting.

A. on             B. over            C. from           D. for

108If you want to get there before dark, you should start your journey______.

A. at times        B. at once          C. in person         D. in detail

109The play was so boring______ I could hardly keep myself from falling asleep.

A. that           B. which            C. what            D. whether

110We hope that our customers can______ advantage of this new service.

A. have          B. carry              C. take           D. bring

111The unemployment rate has become much lower_______ the government took these measures.

A. but           B. since              C. if             D. while

112The rope is not strong enough to_______the weight of the big case.

A. conduct       B. produce           C. make           D. support

113He attended school in England for several years, after______ he returned home.

A. what          B. that             C. which            D. whom

114You can trust our product as we have______ control over its quality.

A. strict          B. limited          C. little             D. natural

115A new study finds out that a kid can learn without_____ what he is doing.

A. realize        B. realized          C. realizing         D. to realize

116_____ last year, traffic accidents have decreased by 10% this year.

A. Related to     B. Compared with   C. Concerned about   D. Dealt with

117I_____in touch with you as soon as I receive more details from the manager.

A. am          B. was            C. will be           D. have been

118Traveling across the country costs a lot of money, but John can_____it.

A. spend       B. give            C. build            D. afford

119It was not until 3:00 pm _____the secretary found the missing report.

A. where       B. that             C. as               D. while

120The police have not _____the search even if it has lasted for a week.

A. given up        B. taken away      C. broken in      D. brought about

121I decided to______as a waiter in a restaurant during my summer vacation.

A. serve          B. turn            C. take          D. make

122Im afraid we dont have that book in stock, _____we can order it for you.

A. as            B. but             C. since          D. for

123In this museum a guided tour _____for you at no charge.

A. being provided    B. to provide       C. is provided        D. provides

124Generally speaking, a lot of patience is______to look after a sick patient.

A. regarded         B. decided         C. agreed           D. required

125The question ______now is where to build the new factory.

A. discusses       B. discussing      C. be discussed    D. being discussed

126Michaels new house looks like a palace, compared _____his old one.

A. of             B. with          C. for            D. in

127We are delighted at the news_____ they have started the business cooperation with your company.

A. that           B. when          C. which          D. what

128It was so noisy that we found it hard to______ the conversation.

A. carry on       B. set for         C. turn on         D. go about

129You cannot cancel your order_____you change your mind within three days.

A. as if          B. while          C. so that         D. unless

130You will like the strict professor when you ____ him better.

A. got to know    B. will get to know      C. get to know      D. get

131_____ greeting, would you please give me an example to use in English?

A. Talking about     B. Speaking out      C. Speaking of      D. Speaking

132The passage ______ by Tom Lear.

A. is written        B. is writing         C. wrote           D. is

133----- Do you know our town at all?

----- No, this is the first time I _____ here.

A. was B. have been C. came   D. have

134When Ian was injured, Harry was chosen as last-minute_____for the rugby team.

A. preference      B. diversification     C. alternative      D. replacement

135Among the last groups of people to accept the new model were religious groups, who still_____the idea that the earth was the center of universe.

A. clung to        B. applied to        C. adapted to     D. contributed to

136Although apparently rigid, bones exhibit a degree of elasticity that enables the skeleton to_____considerable impact.

A. escape         B. overwhelm        C. withstand     D. suppress

137----- Would you like me to go to the dentist with you?

----- No, you________with me.

A. need not to go   B. need not go C. do not need goD. not need go

138Lance returned to cycling and training only five months after he was_____  diagnosed with cancer.

A. aggressively       B. drastically       C. exactly         D. initially  

139Great minds generally look at life in a way_____to themselves.

A. peculiar           B. confined        C. similar         D. unusual

140They called in an electrician_____he could put a finger on the cause of the short circuit.

A. to hope         B. to be hoping       C. hoping      D. to have hoped

141The resistance experienced when one body moves over another, _____it is in contact, is called frictional force.

A. to which        B. where            C. with which      D. while

142Above all, they want to study a_____question: Are humans actually aware of the world they live in?

A. contrary        B. fundamental         C. solemn       D. progressive

143Upon reaching an __________age, children are encouraged, but not force, to leave the nest.

A. appreaciate     B. apologize        C. appropriate       D. application

144Music is ______, we can hear it and feel it, but not see it.

A. seeing         B. unsee           C. invisible         D. not seeing

145Hold the money in your bank account______you use it for college courses.

A. although       B. as if            C. unless           D. wherever

146The newspaper ________ two people were killed in the accident.

A. says           B. talks              C. calls            D. asks

147The big IT company will ________ a new research center in the city.

A. set up          B. break up           C. get u p          D. turn up

148、—Tina, I hear you had a good journey to the Maldives last week, How was it?

I enjoyed the beautiful scenery, but the hotel was_____satisfactory.

A. not anything  B. nothing from  C. nothing but  D. anything but

149I ________ at 130 kilometers per hour when the policeman stopped me.

A. had driven      B. have driven       C. driver          D. was driving

150At the beginning of the 20th century, people made coffee_______a cloth bag full of coffee grounds into boiling water.

A. by dumping      B. to dump        C. for dumping     D. that dumped

151Id like to introduce you ____ Jane Stewart, the new manager of our department.

A. with             B. to             C. of            D. on

152So _____ after she learned the good news that she could hardly fall asleep that night.

A. excited the mother was                 B. was the mother excited  

C. the mother was excited                 D. excited was the mother

153I dont want to bring up the topic, ___ why on earth did you get home that late last night?

A. but              B. and            C. or            D. so

154If you______Mary recently, youd think the photograph on the right was strange.

A. shouldnt contact                         B. hadnt contact  

C. werent to contact                         D. didnt contact

155Mr. White has two sons, one of _____ working as a bus driver now.

A. who             B. whom          C. them          D. whose

156Regardless of what caused it, I am grateful that have finally reached a point in my life_______I can appreciate my strengths, accept my weaknesses and try to be comfortable with everything in between.

A. Why            B. Where          C. Which         D. What

157The _____ of Jay s concert made most of the audience present got wild.

A. environment      B. influence       C. impression      D. atmosphere

158It is ten oclock. The president _____ in his office by now.

A. arrived       B. should have arrived     C. have arrived   D. had arrived

159But for the traffic jam, I _____ late for the conference.

A. wouldnt have been     B. shouldnt be     C. would be     D. hadnt be

160______information provided by members of the public, the police would have a much more difficult job.

A. Supposing    B. Provided the  C. If it were not for   D. On condition that

161Not until midnight _____.

A. did the noise stop                   B. the noise stopped  

C. the noise did stop                   D. stopped the noise

162If you want to speak English well, you must practice it ______ .

A. repeatedly        B. repeatingly         C. repeating       D. repeated

163Tom Brown was a painstaking writer;______, he once spent half a day on the composition of a single sentence.

A. On the other hand    B. Nevertheless     C. Moreover    D. For example

164The police are ______ the car accident that happened yesterday.

A. looking down upon                 B. looking forward to  

C. looking into                       D. looking after

165Hardly______ in the door when the phone started ringing.

A. we had stepped   B. had we stepped  C. we stepped   D. have we stepped

166If you ______ my advice, you wouldnt be in such trouble now.

A. took            B. takes         C. has takes         D. had taken

167----What am I going to do about a present for Carol?

----You______some flowers.

A. Might have sent her B. Must have sent her  

C. Could send her  D. Would send

168The recorder _____ before it can be used.

A. needs repairing                   B. required repaired  

C. should be in repair                 D. has to be repairable

169---I don't think I will ever, in my life, win a lottery of five million dollars.

----Well, ______. Anything can happen.

A. you made it  B. you're kidding  C. what you say  D. you can never tell

170This hotel isn't particularly good, but I _____ in many worse hotels.

A. Stay          B. have stayed       C. was staying       D. had stayed

171It is necessary to find an engineer___ has skills that meet your needs.

A. whom         B. which            C. whose          D. who

172The  manager sat there, ___ to the report from each department.

A. to listen        B. listen          C. being listened      D. listening

173---How did you find the concert in the Grand Theatre last night?

-----______ but the conductor was perfect.

A. I couldn't agree more  B. I didn't think much of it  

C. I was crazy about it  D. I really liked it

174John is only one of those people who _____ out of their way to be helpful

A. has gone          B. went          C. go            D. goes

175I _____ my former manager when 1 was on a flight to Shanghai.

A. ran into           B. took away      C. put on         D. shut down

176The students in our university each______an English dictionary. That is to say, each of the students in our university______an English dictionary.

A. have; has         B. have; have       C. has; have       D. has; has

177Mary is Mr. Smith's secretary, so she has _____ to all his business e-mails

A. power            B. account          C. way          D. access

178Jane was dismissed last week because of his _____ attitude towards his job.

A. informal          B. casual         C. tough        D. violent

179Here's your kitchen. I hope you enjoy cooking here. Is there______else that you need?

A. Something        B. Anything       C. Nothing      D. Everything

180John______his business partner over plans to reduce the work force.

A. Came down to    B. Broke down to  C. Fell out with  D. Went along with

181______is this piece of equipment to be removed from the building.

A. On no account      B. Absolutely      C. Scarcely        D. Not at all

182We have bags _____ all colors _____$12 each.

A. at, at              B. in, with        C. at, for          D. in, for

183We often go to the zoo ______ Saturday mornings.

A. at             B. in             C. on             D. of

184His name is Tom White. His family name is ______.

A. White         B. Tom            C. Tom White     D. White Tony

185There are ______ tomatoes and ______ milk in the fridge.

A. lots of, much    B. much, many     C. many, a lot      D. lots of, many

186It is the  boss who makes the ______ decisions in business.

A. beginning      B. finishing       C. first             D. final

187Never ______ such a good boss before I came to this company.

A. do I meet       B. I met         C. had I met         D. I had met

188If the machine should ______, call this number immediately.

A. break down     B. set out         C. put on           D. go up

189The manager showed the new employee ______ to find the supplies.

A. what           B. where        C. that              D. which

190Look at the clock! It's time ______ work.

A. we started      B. we'll start     C. we're starting     D. we have started

191Whats the _____ forecast for tomorrow?

A. climate        B. weather          C. date           D. day

192Here are two reasons ______ I do not want to go out tonight.

A. why          B. because          C. for            D. which

193We must avoid ______such mistakes again.

A. to make       B. to making         C. made         D. making

194The teacher always _______his lectures with picture.

A. illustrates      B. conveys          C. deserves      D. appreciate

195Women tend ____longer than men.

A. live           B. to live         C. to have lived       D. to living

196What are the essential differences ________ selling and marketing?

A. between       B. from           C. among           D. for

197John called the airline to _________ his flight to Beijing this morning.

A. improve       B. believe         C. confirm          D. insure

198Youd better ________advice before making a project plan.

A. put down        B. take in         C. turn out           D. ask for

199Young people now live a life-style ______their parents could hardly dream of. A. which          B. why            C. when             D. where

200The speaker _____for a moment, and then began to answer the question.

A. shook           B. paused          C. pressed          D. tripped












101-110 BACBB, ADBAC

111-120 BDCAC, BCDBA

121-130 ABCDD, BAADC

131-140 CABDA, CBDAC

141-150 CBCCC, AAADA

151-160 BDABB, BDBAC

161-170 AADCB, DCADB

171-180 DDBDA, DDBBD

181-190 ADCAA, DCABA

191-200 BADAB, ACDAB

Part II Reading Comprehension

Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the best answer to each question. (每题2, 40分)


People who work night shifts are constantly fighting against an “internal clock” in their bodies. Quite often the clock tells them to sleep when their job requires them to remain fully awake. It's no won­der that more accidents happen during night shifts than at any other time. Light therapy (照光治疗法) with a bright light box can help night-shift workers adjust their internal clock. However, many doctors recommend careful planning to help improve sleep patterns. For example, night-shift workers often find it difficult to sleep in the morning when they get off work because the body's natural rhythm (节律) fights back, no matter how tired they are. Some experts recommend that night-shift workers schedule two smal­ler sleep periods ---- one in the morning after work, and another longer one in the afternoon, closer to when the body would naturally need to sleep. It's also helpful to ask friends and family to cooperate by avoiding visits and phone calls during the times when you are sleeping.

1. Night-shift workers are those who______.

A. have to rely on their internal clock

B. need to re-adjust their clock

C. have to work at night

D. fall asleep late at night

2. In order to remain fully awake at work, people working night shifts should ________.

A. have longer sleep periods after work                    

B. make the light darker than usual

C. try to re-set their “internal clock”

D. pay more attention to their work

3. Night-shift workers often find it difficult to sleep in the morning because________.

A. their internal clock will not allow them to

B. they are often disturbed by morning visits

C. they are not trying hard enough to do so

D. they are too tired to go to sleep well

4. Many doctors think it is helpful for night-shift workers________.

A. to sleep with a bright light on         

B. to plan sleep patterns carefully

C. to avoid being disturbed at work      

D. to sleep for a long time after work

5. According to the passage, some doctors recommend that night-shift workers should________.

A. have frequent visits and phone calls

B. improve their family relationship

C. have two smaller sleep periods

D. rely mainly on light therapy



A few ways Greyhound can make your next trip even easier

Tickets by mail. Avoid lining up altogether, by purchasing your tickets in advance, and having them delivered right to your mailbox. Just call Greyhound at least ten days before your departure (1 -- 800 --231--2222).

Prepaid tickets. It's easy to purchase a ticket for a friend or family member no matter how far away they may be. Just call or go to your nearest Greyhound terminal (车站) and ask for details on how to buy a prepaid ticket.

Ticketing requirement. Greyhound now requires that all tickets have travel dates fixed at the time of purchase. Children under two years of age travel free with an adult who has a ticket.

If your destination (目的地) is to Canada or Mexico. Passengers traveling to Canada or Mexico must have the proper travel documents. U. S., Canadian or Mexican citizens should have a birth certificate, passport or naturalization (入籍) paper. If you are not a citizen of the U. S., Canada or Mexico, a passport is required. In certain cases a visa may be required as well. These documents will be necessary and may be checked at, or before, boarding a bus departing for Canada or Mexico.

1. From the passage, we can learn that “Greyhound” is probably the name of_____.

A. an airline       B. a hotel      C. a website      D. a bus company

2. What can we learn about the Greyhound tickets?

A. They are not available for traveling outside the U. S.

B. Travelers should buy their tickets in person.

C. Babies can not travel free with their parents.

D. They have the exact travel date on them.

3. Why should people call Greyhound for tickets in advance?

A. To avoid waiting in lines at the booking office.

B. To hand in necessary traveling documents.

C. To get tickets from the nearest terminal.

D. To fix the traveling destination in time.

4. When people are traveling to Canada or Mexico, a passport is a must for _______.

A. American citizens                   B. Japanese citizens        

C. Mexicans citizens                   D. Canadians citizens

5. This passage mainly offers information about________.

A. how to purchase a Greyhound ticket and travel with it

B. how to prepare documents for traveling with Greyhound

C. how to make your trip with Greyhound interesting

D. how to travel from the U. S to Canada and Mexico



Some cities have planned their transportation systems for car owners. That is what Los Angeles did. Los Angeles decided to build highways for cars rather than spending money on public transportation.

This decision was suitable for Los Angeles. The city grew outward instead of upward. Los Angeles never built many tall apartment buildings. Instead, people live in houses with gardens.

In Los Angeles, most people drive cars to work. And every car has to have a parking space. So many buildings where people work also have parking lots.

Los Angeles also became a city without a Central Business District (CBD. If a city has a CBD, crowds of people rush into it every day to work. If people drive to work, they need lots of road space.

So Los Angeles developed several business districts and built homes and other buildings in between the districts. This required more roads and parking spaces.

Some people defend(为…辩护) this growth pattern. They say Los Angeles is the city of the future.

1. According to the passage, Los Angeles is a city where_______.             .

A. there is no public transportation system

B. more money is spent on highways for cars

C. more money is spent on public transportation systems       ,

D. public transportation is more developed than in other cities

2. According to the passage, if a city has several business districts, ______________.

A. people won't have to drive to work every day

B. there have to be more roads and parking spaces

C. companies would be located in between the districts

D. there would be no need to build parking area spaces within the districts

3. The city grew outward instead of upward (Line 1, Para. 2) means_______.       

A. the city became more spread out instead of growing taller

B. there were fewer small houses than tall buildings

C. rapid development took place in the city center

D. many tall buildings could be found in the city

4. According to the growth pattern of Los Angeles, homes were mainly built_______.

  A. in the city center

  B. along the main roads

  C. around business districts

  D. within the business districts

5. The passage is mainly about             

  A. the new growth patterns of the city of Los Angeles

  B. the construction of parking spaces in Los Angeles

  C. the public transportation system in Los Angeles

  D. the problems of traffic jams in Los Angeles



We’ve found that eating habits vary so much that it does not make sense(有意义) to include meals in the price of our tours. We want to give you the freedom of choosing restaurants and ordering food that suits your taste and budget.

As our hotels offer anything from coffee and toast to a full American breakfast at very reasonable prices, it will never be a problem for you to start the day in the way you like best. At lunch stops, your tour guide will show you where you can find salads, soups, and sandwiches.

Dinner time is your chance to try some local food. Sometimes the tour guide will let you have dinner at a restaurant of your own choice. At other times he or she will recommend a restaurant at your hotel. Years of research have taught us which restaurants reliably serve a good choice of delightful dishes at down-to-earth prices.

In Mexico, Alaska, and the Yukon, where your restaurant choice may be limited, we include some meals. The meals provided are clearly stated on the tour pages.

1. We can learn from the passage that.             .

A. the hotels where you stay will offer you free breakfast.

B. dining information can be obtained from your tour guides

C. you can have complete choice of local dishes at the hotel

D. a full list of local restaurants can be found on the tour pages

2. According to the passage, most meals are not included in the price of tours mainly because.             .

A. meals make up a large part of the tour budget.

B. meal prices vary a lot from place to place

C. people dislike menus offered by tour guides

D. people have different eating habits.

3. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Tour guides are supposed to arrange dinner outside the hotel.

B. Tour guides' recommendations on food are unreliable.

C. Tourists must have lunch in the hotels they stay in.

D. Tourists may taste local dishes during dinner time.

4. The word “down-to-earth” (Line 4, Para. 3) most probably means.

A. changeable         B. expensive          C. reasonable        D. fixed

5. Meals are included in the tour price in some places where.

A. there are many nearby restaurants

B. restaurant choice may be limited

C. delightful dishes are not served

D. food may be too expensive



Falls are the number one cause of death to old people at home. Most old people can live safely at home if they make a few changes. Falls are common as people are getting older. Up to half of home accidents could be prevented by making some very simple changes. Here are a few suggestions:

Mark trouble spots with bright tapes. The first and last steps on stairs are usually high-risk accident areas. Applying bright tapes and using bright light in these areas would make these spots easier to see.

Put grab bars (扶手) in the bathroom. A large number of falls occur in the bathroom. This is unfortunate (不幸的) because it’s easy to make the area safe from accidents. Putting grab bars in the bathroom gives people something to hang on to.

Invest in a personal alarm. A personal alarm can be started if a person falls or otherwise gets in trouble. With the push of a button, the alarm automatically sends a signal, which gets someone to call and see if the person needs help.

1. The purpose of this passage is to tell people that ________.

A. most old people die from accidents at home

B. up to half of home accidents could be prevented

C. falls at home can be avoided by taking some simple measures

D. protection of old people should be the first concern for the public

2. Last steps on stairs may become a high-risk accident area if they are ________.

A. not painted in a different color B. not marked with bright tapes

C. fixed with grab bars D. very brightly lit

3. Falls in the bathroom are considered to be unfortunate because ________.

A. they can easily be avoided

B. old people seldom fall in bathrooms

C. grab bars do not help to prevent falls

D. bathroom accidents are difficult to prevent

4. A personal alarm is designed for old people to ________.

A. detect safety conditions at home B. avoid falls in the bathroom

C. send out signals for help D. make phone calls easily

5. By making some very simple changes at home, old people ________.

A. are free from home accidents B. can improve their health

C. are likely to live longer D. can live more safely



We have created a special rate that will let you travel actually thousands of miles on your vacation at no extra cost.

In most of our US and Canadian offices, we’ll rent you cars of high quality for seven days for $99. You can drive as far as you like without paying us a penny over the $99 as long as you return the car to the city from which you rented it. Insurance (保险) is included, gas is not.

If you rent the car in Florida or in California, the rate is the same, but you can return the car to any city in the state.

If you’d like some suggestions on what to do with the car once you’ve got it, we have driving and touring guides for almost every part of the country. No matter which rate you choose, the company comes at no extra cost. You don’t just rent a car. You rent a company!

1. According to the advertisement, $99 is the rate offered for ________.

A. traveling a limited distance B. hiring a driving guide

C. renting a car for seven days D. driving within a state

2. The last sentence of the passage “You rent a company” means that ________.

A. you have to be responsible for the company

B. you should obey the rules set by the company

C. you can enjoy all-round services of this company

D. you may choose the best car from the company

3. The car-renting rate remains $99 if you ________.

A. return the car to where you rent it B. drive within the same city

C. buy the insurance D. pay for the gas

4. Which of the following is included in the car-renting rate?

A. Gas used. B. Car repairs. C. The hotel charge. D. Insurance fee.

5. The purpose of the passage is to advertise ________.

A. car-renting services in the US B. a special rate of car-renting

C. the advantages of car-renting D. a US car-renting company



Cars are lots of fun, but they could also be dangerous. We have to be careful when we drive them or ride in them.

It's always a good idea to put on your seat belt when you're in a car. Why? Think about this example: You put an egg on a skateboard(滑板) and give it a push. If the skateboard hits a stone, it will stop, but the egg won't. It will fly through the air, hit the ground and break.

Now, think what would happen if you tied the egg to the skateboard. When the skateboard hits a stone, the egg won't go flying. It will stay safely on the skateboard.

Volvo, a famous Swedish carmaker, was the first to use seat belts in 1949. Air bags are also very important for car safety, because sometimes a seat belt isn't enough. If the car is going really fast and runs into something, seat belts could even hurt the people who wear them.

Most newer cars have air bags in front of and next to the seats. When a car hits something, its air bags will come out quickly--in less than one second--to keep the people inside safe.

1. We have to be careful in driving a car mainly because it could be ______.

A. a great danger      B. a pleasure   C. a lot of trouble     D. little fun

2. Which of the following statements is TRUE?     

A. People with seat belts tied will always be safe in cars.   

B. Volvo was the first carmaker to use seat belts in cars.   

C. Air bags will come out before the cars hit something.   

D. All cars have air bags in front of the seats.

3. The example of an egg on a skateboard is used to show that ______.

A. eggs break easily on a moving skateboard    

B. cars should not be stopped suddenly    

C. seat belts are important to safety    

D. driving is a dangerous act

4. According to the passage, air bags are another device that ______.    

A. adds safety to car driving             B. is going to replace seat belts    

C. comes out slowly to function         D. prevents cars from running too fast

5. The best title for this passage is ______.    

A. Buy a Volvo with Air bags            B. Make a Car Safe Inside    

C. Fasten Your Seat Belts               D. Add Air Bags to Cars



The Museum of Contemporary(当代的) Art (MOCA) has started a new series of programs, known as “Art Makes Good Business.” It is designed to educate company managers about why art makes good business and how to take full advantage of it.

The event is open to new and current corporate(企业法人的) members of MOCA. An understanding and appreciation of art is becoming a must in today's business world. Art can be a valuable tool for seeking new ways to communicate with customers and raising public awareness of your company's role in the community.

During the coming months the series will look into the relationship between art, business and community. The series will cover how to understand modern art and how art can help improve a company's image. Art Makes Good Business speakers will include leaders from the business and art worlds. Bookings are required. Space is limited. For more information call 305-893-6211 or visit www. momanomi.org.

1. The purpose of the museum's new programs is to show ______.    

A. the role of art in improving business    

B. the management of business by artists    

C. the education of modern artists    

D. the way to design art programs

2. The Art Makes Good Business program is intended for ______.    

A. the general public                   B. modern art lovers    

C. corporate members of MOCA          D. people involved in art business

3. Those who want to attend lectures by Art Makes Good Business speakers must ______.    

A. make a booking                      B. pay additional fees    

C. understand modern art                D. be successful managers

4. MOCA members who take part in the programs can learn ______.    

A. to become leaders in business and art worlds    

B. to co-operate with other members of MOCA    

C. the new ways of communication between people    

D. about the relationship between art, business and community

5. This advertisement aims to______.    

A. improve the relationship between companies    

B. stress the important role of art in education    

C. attract MOCA members to the programs    

D. raise funds for museums of modern art



Each time we produce a new English dictionary, our aim is always the same: what can we do to make the dictionary more helpful for students of English? As a result of our research with students and discussions with teachers, we decided to focus on providing more examples for this English dictionary.

Examples help students to remember the word they have looked up in the dictionary because it is easier both to remember and understand a word within a context. The examples also show that words are often used in many different contexts. For these reasons, we have included 40 per cent more examples in this new book.

We edit all the examples to remove difficult words and to make sure they are easier to understand.

We very much hope this new book will be of use not only to the students of English but also to the teachers.

1. A word is easier to remember and understand if it is ____________.

A. included in a word listB. pronounced correctly

C. explained in EnglishD. used in a context

2. What is special about this new dictionary?

A. It is small and cheap.     

B. It has a large vocabulary.

C. It has 40% more examples.

D. It is designed for students and teachers.

3. The purpose of removing difficult words in the examples is to _________.

A. make them easier to understand     B. provide more useful words

C. introduce more contexts     D. include more examples

4. The passage is most probably taken from ____________.

A. a letter to the editor     B. a comment on a novel

C. an introduction to a dictionary     D. a new-report in the newspaper

5. The aim of the author in producing this new dictionary is to __________.

A. correct mistakes in the old dictionary

B. make it more helpful for students

C. increase the number of words

D. add pictures and photos.



What is the better way of staying away from the cold winter days? Come out to our Hall Markets in beautiful countryside, full of color, fun, music and delicious food! With over 350 stalls (摊位) selling wonderful home-made and home-grown goods, this will surely be a great day out.

The Hall Markets are held on the first Sunday of each month from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm at Hall Village. They are operated by Hartley Lifecare Co. Ltd. All the income will go to help and support service for people with disabilities (残疾).

Volunteers (志愿者) play an important part in the success and pleasant atmosphere at the Hall Markets. Hartley Lifecare is always grateful to have you serve as volunteers with the Hall Markets.

If you are interested in being one of our volunteers and spending a few hours with us each month, please contact us during business hours on 6260 5555.

1. There are over 350 stalls in the Hall Markets that __________.

A. are operated by the disabled            C. sell home-made goods

B. offer free food to volunteers            D. go are open day and night

2. According to the passage, the Hall Markets are held _________.

A. in the countryside                    C. to promote winter sales

B. to attract volunteers                   D. by people with disabilities

3. The income made by the Hall Markets goes to _________.

A. expand Hartley Lifecare Co. LtD.       C. create more fun for the disabled   

B. support service for the disabled         D. develop local economy

4. When are the Hall Markets open?

A. The first Sunday of each month         C. The first day of each month

B. Every day from 10 am to 3 pm          D. Every weekend in winter.

5. This passage is written for the purpose of inviting __________.

A. tourists         B. villagers      C. businessmen        D. volunteers



Subways are underground trains, which usually operate 24 hours a day. They are found in larger cities and usually run between the suburbs and the downtown area. Maps and schedules are available from the ticket office. If you take the subway often, you can save money by purchasing a monthly pass(月票).
City-operated buses run on various routes(线路)and are designed to be at certain places at certain times. Maps and schedules may be posted at certain stops, or they may be available at local banks, libraries, the student union, or from the bus drivers. Buses run mainly during the day. Fare is paid by exact change in coins, or by monthly passes.
Taxis are generally more expensive in the United States than in other countries. If you use a taxi, be sure you ask the amount of the fare before you agree to ride. The driver usually expects a tip(小费)of 15 percent of the fare.
1. You can get the maps and schedules of the subways________.
A. at bus stations                B. at local banks
C. in any bookstores                     D. from the ticket offices
2. From the passage we learn that________.
A. buses are always available in 24 hours    

B. bus riders have to buy monthly passes
C. bus fare is paid by exact change in coins  

D. buses are the best means of transportation
3. When you take a taxi, you’d better________.
A. buy a monthly pass                   B. ask about the fare first
C. agree on the amount of the tip           D. pay by the exact change in coins
4. The passage mainly tells us about________.
A. the bus and train fares in the US  

B. the ways of paying taxi in the US
C. the public transportation in the US       

D. the advantage of subways in the US

5. According to the passage, subways as underground trains, which usually run____.
A. within downtown areas           B. away from city centers
C. in or outside big modern cities     D. between suburbs and city centers


Letter 1

Dear Ann,
I am going to give a dinner party next month. I want my guests to enjoy themselves and to feel comfortable. What is the secret of giving a successful party?

Letter 2

Dear Mary,  
Cook something that would let you spend time with your guests, If a guest offers to help you in the kitchen, accept the offer. It often makes people feel more comfortable when they can help.
Before serving dinner, while your guests make small talks in the living room, offer them drinks. Some guests may like wine, but make sure to provide soft drinks for people who don’t.
At the dinner table, let your guests serve themselves. Offer them a second serving after they finish, but don’t ask more than once. Most guests will take more if they want.
Perhaps the most important rule of all is to be natural. Treat your guests as you want them to treat you when you’re in their home—that is, act naturally toward them, and don’t try too hard to be polite. Have a good time in a pleasant atmosphere.

1. The most important rule for Mary to follow in treating her guests is to________.
A. be as polite as she can                  B. let them feel at home
C. prepare delicious food                  D. create a formal atmosphere

2. Ann’s first piece of advice is that Mary should________.
A. get the food ready before the guests arrive
B. keep the guests away from the kitchen
C. spend some time with the guests
D. accept the guests’ offer to help
3. Ann suggests that Mary offer drinks________.
A. while the guests are having small talks    B. when all the guests have arrived
C. after the guests finish small talks         D. after the dinner comes to an end
4. When having dinner, the guests are expected to________.
A. eat their food slowly                    B. help the host serve food
C. serve each other at the table              D. help themselves to more food
5. From the first letter we learn that Mary ________ .
A. is asking for advice on giving a dinner party

B. knows the secret of giving a pleasant party
C. is going to attend a dinner party
D. has successfully held a party


Thank you for your interest in Calibre Cassette (盒式录音带) library. This letter tells you about our service. With it we are sending you an application form, so that you can join if you would like to try it.

Calibre library aims to provide the pleasure of reading to anyone who cannot read ordinary print books because of sight problems. We currently have over 7,000 books available for reading for pleasure, including 1,000 specially for children. All our books are recorded cover-to-cover on ordinary cassettes and can be played on any cassette player. They are sent and returned by post, free of charge.

When we receive your application, we will send you a book and an information tape. They will explain how to use the service. The easy way to use Calibre library is to tell us what sorts of books you like, and we will keep you supplied with books we think you will enjoy. Or your can send us a list of books you would like to read, and we will then send you books from this list whenever possible. In that case you will need to use our website, or buy one or more of our catalogues (目录)

1. Calibre library provides service mainly for people who suffer from ________.

A. hearing difficultiesB. mental illnesses
C. sight problems
D. heart troubles

2. The service of sending and returning books by post is ________.
A. not available to children
B. paid by the users
C. free of charge
D. not provided

3. The easy way to use the library service is to ________.
A. inform the library of your name and address
B. tell the library the sorts of books you like
C. buy the catalogues of the library
D. ask the library to buy the books

4. The main purpose of this letter is to ________.
A. introduce the library’s service to readers
B. recommend new books to the readers
C. send a few catalogues to readers
D. express thanks to the readers

5. According to the first paragraph, the library sends the application form to the readers so that they can ________.
  A. read ordinary books
  B. order cassette players
  C. buy Calibre cassettes
  D. use the library service



People in some countries cannot use their native language for Web addresses. Neither can Chinese speakers, who have to rely on pinyin. But last Friday, ICANN, the Web’s governing body, approved the use of up to 16 languages for the new system. More will follow in the coming years.

The Internet is about to start using the 16 languages of the world. People will soon be able to use addresses in characters (字符) other than those of the Roman alphabet (字母表). The change will also allow the suffix (后缀) to be expressed in 16 other alphabets, including traditional and simplified Chinese characters.

But there are still some problems to work out. Experts have discussed what to do with characters that have several different meanings. This is particularly true of Chinese.

Most experts doubt the change will have a major effect on how the Internet is used. “There will be some competition between companies to obtain popular words for addresses.”

1. The approval of the use of 16 languages by ICANN will allow web users to ________.
A. change their email address
B. email their messages in characters
C. have the chance to learn other languages
D. use addresses in their own language

2. The new system will allow the suffix of a Web address to be expressed by ________.
A. any native language
B. figures and numbers
C. Chinese characters
D. symbols and signs

3. Which of the following is one of the problems in using the new system?
A. Certain characters have several different meanings.
B. Chinese is a truly difficult language to learn.
C. People find it difficult to type their address in characters.
D. Some experts think it is impossible to use Chinese characters.

4. Many experts do not believe that ________.
A. there are still some problems to work out
B. there will be competition to get popular addresses
C. companies are willing to change their web addresses
D. the change will affect the use of the Internet greatly

5. For Web addresses, Chinese speakers now have to use ________.
A. pinyin
B. signsC. numbersD. characters



Online advertising is the means of selling a product on the Internet. With the arrival of the Internet, the business world has become digitalized(数字化)and people prefer buying things online, which is easier and faster. Online advertising is also known as e-advertising. It offers a great variety of services, which can not be offered by any other way of advertising.

One major benefit of online advertising is the immediate spread of information that is not limited by geography or time. Online advertising can be viewed day and night throughout the world. Besides, it reduces the cost and increases the profit of the company.

Small businesses especially find online advertising cheap and effective. They can focus on their ideal customers and pay very little for the advertisements.

In a word, online advertising is a cheap and effective way of advertising, whose success has so far fully proved its great potential(潜力).

1. According to the first paragraph, buying things online is more ____ .

A. fashionableB. convenientC. traditionalD. reliable

2. Compared with any other way of advertising, online advertising ____ .

A. attracts more customersB. displays more samples

C. offers more servicesD. makes more profits

3. Which of the following statements is TRUE of online advertising?

A. It has taken the place of traditional advertising.

B. It will make the Internet technology more efficient.

C. It can help sell the latest models of digitalized products.

D. It can spread information without being limited by time.

4. Who can especially benefit from online advertising?

A. Local companies.B. Small businesses.

C. Government departments.D. International organizations.

5. This passage is mainly about ____ .

A. the advantages of online advertising

B. the application of digital technology

C. the development of small businesses

D. the function and the use of the Internet



During our more than 60-year history, with our vast knowledge and experience, Trafalgar has created perfectly designed travel experiences and memories.

Exceptional value

Traveling with Trafalgar can save you up t0 40%when compared with traveling independently. We can find you the right hotels, restaurants, and our charges include entrance fees, tolls(道路通行费), etC. Because we’re the largest touring company with great buying power, we can pass on our savings to you.

Fast-track entrance

Traveling with us means no standing in line (排队)at major sights. Trafalgar takes care of all the little details, which means you are always at the front of the line.

Travel with like-minded(志趣相投的)friends

Because we truly are global, you will travel with English-speaking people from around the world, and that leads to life-long friendships.

Great savings

We provide many great ways to save money, including Early Payment Discount(折扣), Frequent Traveler Savings and more.

Fast check-in

Once your booking has been made, you are advised to check in online at our website and meet your fellow travelers before you leave.

1. Traveling with Trafalgar, tourists do not have to ____ .

A. bring their passports with themB. pay for their hotels and meals

C. stand in line at major sightsD. take their luggage with them

2. Traveling with Trafalgar, tourists may ____ .

A. meet tour guides from different countries

B. make new friends from around the world

C. win a special prize offered by the company

D. have a good chance to learn foreign languages

3. Which of the following is mentioned as a way to earn a discount?

A. Early payment.B. Group payment.

C. Office bookingD. Online booking.

4. After having made the booking, tourists are advised to check in .

A. at the hotelsB. at the airport

C. by telephoneD. on the website

5. Because of its great buying power, Trafalgar .

A. can find the cheapest restaurants

B. can pass on its savings to tourists

C. takes tourists to anywhere in the world

D. allows tourists to travel independently



If you have an AT&T Business Direct account, you can have your telephone bill paid automatically each month. 

You can make payments online with a bank account or use one of the following: credit cards,Visa, Master Card, Discover Network or American Express. When you make an online payment, please follow the instructions given below. 


1.Tom make your payment on line, click(点 击)the ”Pay Now” link under the ”Account Overview(概览)”summary.  

2.If your business has more than one registered account, first select the account you need from the  “Account Number” menu, and then click the “Pay Now” link. 

3.If you have never made an online payment before, you will be asked whether you want to make a payment by using a bank account or credit card. Select either “Bank Account” or “Credit Card” from the “select Payment Method” menu.  

The online payment system is available Monday through Saturday, from 7:00 AM to 12:00 AM (Midnight) Eastern Time.  

1. An AT&T Business Direct account helps you______.  

A. pay your telephone bill automatically

B. make the first month's payment only 

C. earn an interest from a bank account  

D. enjoy all the available banking services 

2.The payment with an AT&T Business Direct account can be made online with____ 

A. a passport     B. a credit card    C. a driving license    D. a traveler’s check 

3.If you have several registered accounts for payment, the first link that you should click is____.

A. “Select Payment Method” menu         B. “Account Overview” sum may 

C. the “Account Number” menu           D. the “Pay Now” link 

4. When making the first-time online payment, you will be asked to______.  

A. register your online account number B. open several registered accounts  

C. select the payment method first D. apply for a new credit card

5. The passage is mainly about______.  

A. how to pay phone bills by AT&T Business Direct

B. how to open an AT&T Business Direct account

C. how to make use Of online bank services

D. how to start a small on line business



If you own a car, you are probably considering buying some kind of car insurance(保险). However, when you are actually purchasing car insurance, it can be difficult for you to decide which is your best choice. The ideal buying process is to first research and decide, then purchase. Research First

Before buying car insurance, you should find out the purpose of your purchase and how the insurance meets your needs.   

Decide on Suitable Car Insurance Policies(保单)

A neglected part of car insurance is the part which covers medical bills. Medical payment scan add up very quickly in an accident situation, and the insurance should cover the bills incurred(招致)both by you and by the passengers in your car. Make sure you know the full value that your insurance covers.

Purchase the Best Car Insurance for Your Needs

You have a number of choices when it comes to the actual purchase of the car insurance. Each has advantages and disadvantages, and these may be influenced by your individual taste and previous buying experience. Insurance companies may offer you good advice, but prices on the Internet are often better.

1. According to the first paragraph, when buying car insurance, one should first______.  

A. decide on the number of policies to purchase

B. do careful research on the different choices

C. choose the best insurance company

D. look for the lowest insurance rate

2. The purpose of research is to find out whether the car insurance______.  

A. includes all the advantages  B. best meets your needs

C. offers the best rate D. is easy to purchase  

3. When buying car insurance, people often neglect______.  

A. the damage to the car

B. the bills paid by the passengers

C. the part covering the medical bills

D. the background of the insurance company  

4. According to the last paragraph, your choice of car insurance may also be influence by______.

A. your driving habits

B. the kind of car to be insured  

C. the attitude of your family members

D. your own taste and buying experience

5. Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?

A. Medical Bills Covered in Car Insurance

B. Importance of Buying Car Insurance  

C. Advantages of Car Insurance

D. Advice on Buying Car Insurance  



When you speak on the telephone, you cannot use your facial (面部的) expression, eye contact and gestures to help communicate your message. Your voice must do the job.

A good voice is pleasant to listen to because it communicates a positive message. Keep in mind the following qualities of a good voice:

Speak in a voice neither too loud nor too soft. Speak louder when giving important information.

Speak slowly enough so that the listener has a chance to understand your message without your having to repeat it. Keep in mind that as you speak the other person may be taking notes.

Pronunciation is the correct way to say a word. To avoid mispronouncing (读错音) words, you may wish to check the pronunciation of unfamiliar words in the dictionary before you use them.

People with an accent unlike yours may not understand your pronunciation of some words. You also may not understand the pronunciation of some of their words. In these cases, careful pronunciation is very important for effective communication. You may need to repeat or spell words that are unusual or easy to be misunderstood.

1. To give important information, a person speaking on the phone should ______.

A. keep a pleasant manner              B. use familiar words

C. lower the voice                    D. speak louder

2. The speaker is advised to speak slowly in order to help the listener to ______.

A. remember some words               B. repeat the information

C. check the message                  D. take some notes

3. To avoid mispronouncing unfamiliar words, you are advised to ______.

A. check them in a dictionary            B. pronounce them loudly

C. use other words instead              D. ask others for help

4. Speakers sometimes need to spell some words to help listeners to understand ______.

A. long sentences                      B. unusual words

C. difficult questions                   D. important expressions

5. When speaking on the phone, the essential factor for successful communication is your ______.

A. voice         B. gesture      C. eye contact        D. facial expression



The first aid (急救) you learn from a course is not quite like reality. Most of us feel afraid when dealing with “the real thing”. By overcoming these feelings, we are better able to use the first aid to cope with the unexpected.

Doing your part

First aid is not an exact science, and is thus open to human error. No matter how hard you try, the casualty (伤者) may not respond as hoped. Some conditions might lead to death, even with the best medical care.

Giving care with confidence

The casualty needs to feel protected and in safe hands. You can create an air of confidence and safety by:

· being in control, both of yourself and the problem;

· acting calmly and reasonably;

· being gentle, but firm, with your hands, and speaking to the casualty kindly, but hopefully.

Building up trust

Talk to the casualty throughout your examination and treatment (治疗).

· Explain what you are going to do.

· Try to answer questions honestly to reduce fears as best as you can. If you do not know the answer, say so.

1. When we deal with the real cases of first aid, we often feel ______.

A. afraid        B. safe           C. excited           D. confident

2. “First aid is... open to human error” in the second paragraph means ______.

A. there are never failures in first aid      

B. medical care in first aid is essential

C. human mistakes are possible in first aid  

D. first aid is widely applied to accidents

3. An air of confidence and safety is important in giving first aid because the casualty needs to feel to be ______.

A. in control      B. comfortable     C. in safe hands      D. gentle but firm

4. Which of the following can be a way to build up the casualty's trust?

A. To answer their questions honestly.

B. To use as much medicine as possible.

C. To avoid saying no to their questions.

D. To provide them with the best treatment.

5. The best title for the passage could be ______.

A. Importance of Giving First Aid B. Types of First Aid

C. Future of First Aid D. Advice on Giving First Aid



A car is made up of more than 30 000 parts. Each part in a new car is as weak as a baby. So a new car requires proper care and servicing. If you're unfamiliar with the parts, you have to read through the owner's instructions carefully.

First of all, the brakes (刹车) of your car are important for safety (案例) reasons. Having them checked regularly can reduce the risks of accidents. Another important thing to consider is engine care. Always remember that the life and performance of your car engine depend on the engine oil. Replace the engine oil when recommended. If you feel the engine is very hot especially during summer it is probably because the cooling system doesn't work well. You'd better get the cooling system serviced before the start of summer.

In a word, timely and proper servicing is an important task for car owners. Good servicing can not only extend the life of your newborn baby, but also ensure your safety, and the safety of those who share the road with you.

1. To get familiar with the parts of a new car, the owner should ______.

A. read through the instructions carefully

B. have the car serviced before driving it

C. regard the car as a new-born baby

D. examine all of the parts of the new car

2. The brakes should be checked regularly ______.

A. to avoid accidents           B. to raise speed

C. to reduce cost             D. to save gas

3. For a car engine to work long and well, the owner should ______.

A. replace the engine oil as recommended

B. reduce the use of the car in summer

C. clean the engine parts regularly

D. change the brakes frequently

4. It is recommended to have the cooling system checked when ______.

A. you buy a new car          B. summer is coming

C. the engine oil is replaced    D. the brakes are out of order

5. The last paragraph tells us that the purpose of carefully servicing a car is ______.

A. to let you sell your car at a good price B. to reduce the cost of car servicing

C. to extend its life and ensure safety D. to make the car run faster



Ticket-booking Policies

General Policies

Once the flight ticket has been issued, the name on the ticket cannot be changed.

Ticket is non-refundable (不能退款的)

Please review your itinerary (行程安排) immediately. If any problems arise before or during your trip, you must call our booking offices right away. If you wait until you return, it's too late.

There are times when we are unable to confirm a booking. In that case we will attempt to reach you by phone and e-mail. You must call us back within 48 hours or we may not be able to offer you the booking price.

Change Policies

If you change your booking, airlines may charge a fee—$150 to $ 200.

Some tickets do not allow any changes.

Need to change or cancel your trip? Visit our website to check the fees and rules before you decide.

Cancellation (取消) Policies

If you cancel your booking you will not receive any money back.

You may apply part of your ticket price towards future travel (for a limited time, usually a year).

1. According to the policies, the name on the ticket cannot be changed once the ticket is ______.

A. booked  B. issued  C. cancelled  D. confirmed

2. If you have any problems during a trip, you should ______.

A. ask for a refund              B. change your itinerary

C. call the booking office        D. return the ticket to the office

3. What happens when your ticket booking cannot be confirmed?

A. You should make another booking immediately.

B. You can change your booking free of charge.

C. You will be informed by phone and e-mail.

D. You will still enjoy the booking price.

4. If you want to change a booking, you may have to pay ______.

A. 10% of the booking price      B. half the ticket price

C. a fee of $150 to $ 200         D. a fixed fee

5. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the cancellation policies?

A. You can use part of the ticket price for future travel.

B. You can refund the money from the booking office.

C. You can keep the booking effective for one year.

D. You cannot cancel your booking in any case.



Being a salesman, the most important things is to understand people. You’ve got to know what they’re thinking. If you can figure that out, you can get them to do a lot. They come in with an idea about what they want. You get them talking about themselves, about what they like.

If it's man, you talk about football or something like that. If it's a woman, you ask her about fashions. That way they get comfortable with you. You ask them a lot of questions and get them saying yes. Then they just get into the habit of saying yes.

In the end, you can put them into anything you want, if you're really good. For example, if they need a little car for the city, you send them home a truck. Of course, I wouldn't really do that. It wouldn’t be night. You’ve got to sell on this job, but you also have to be fair. It's not fair to take advantage of people too much. There are some people in this business who’d do any thing. But I don’t believe in that.

1. To be a good salesman, the most important thing is to ________

A. learn form different kinds of people

B. understand what people are thinking

C. see what people usually do in daily life.

D. watch what changes people have made

2. According to the passage, you can make a woman feel comfortable by_____

A. talking about fashions          B. playing football together

C. sending a small gift to her       D. saying yes to her questions

3. One way to make people get into the habit of saying yes is to _______

A. ask them to say what they like

B. tell them to do anything you want

C. help them feel confident in themselves

D. get them to say yes to a lot of your questions

4. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Most women like to talk about sports events

B. Some business people would do anything to sell

C. It’s difficult to understand other people very well.

D. You can make people do anything by talking with them.

5. According to the last paragraph, the author believes that_______

A. It is right to do anything in business

B. It is useless to believe in what customers say

C. It is unfair to take too much advantage of people

D. It is dangerous to listen to the advice of a salesman



Computer Care Plan

2-Yeas Service Protection for Desktop Computers

Service you can rely on

We’re here when you need us, weekends or weekdays, if any trouble should happen. All it takes is a quick phone call to 877-968-6391 or a visit to our online service center.

Did you know? Most manufacturers’ guarantee (保修期) only covers repairs due to faults in materials. Our Computer Care Plan offers so much more!

Terms & Conditions Inside

Put in your receipt (收据) here. It is needed to register the plan for using the Computer Care Center tools.

Protect what’s yours

We protect more than just your computers; we protect your valuable data. Keep your photos, music, email, and financial(财政的) records safe with the enclosed Computer Care Center CD.

Rest easy, we have it covered!

No out-of-pocket expenses for covered repairs.

In-home service for desktop computers.

If your product requires three repairs for the same fault, we’ll replace it.

Round-the-clock customer service.

The Computer Care Center provides an entire year of protection to help keep your family safe and your computer healthy.


Product                              Service

Desktops(under $400)…………………… ….$49.88

Desktops($400 and above)……………………$69.88

1. If there is any trouble with your computer, you can

A. contact the manufacturer in person

B. write a letter to the service center

C. refer to the instructions provided

D. visit the service center online

2. Most manufacturers’ guarantee just covers the repairs of your computer due to  .

A. hardware damage      B. wrong operation

C. material faults         D. missing data

3. When registering for the use of Care Center tools, you need to show .

A. the manufacturer’s guarantee cardB. your receipt of the computer

C. a telephone message recordD. your credit card number

4. The product will be replaced if .

A. your valuable data has been lost

B. you have paid the extra service fee

C. the same fault needs a third repair

D. it is still within the guarantee period

5. The enclosed Computer Center CD is used to .

A. protect your data               B. write your emails

C. take photos                    D. play music



So, you love the Internet. It's a great place to find information or go shopping. It's fun, but do you spend a lot of time online? Experts say 6% of Internet users are Internet addicts ( 上瘾的人) ——they are always online. “Internet addicts are often young people,” says one expert,” and they usually have problems with family, friends, work, and school.”

Go through the following check list. If you answer yes to all these questions, maybe you are an Internet addict.

1. Do you spend a lot of time on the Internet?                  □ Yes   □ No

2. Do you think or talk about the Internet all the time?           □ Yes   □ No

3. Are all your friends “Internet friends”?                     □ Yes   □ No

4. Is the Internet your only hobby?                           □ Yes   □ No

5. Do you ever miss appointments (^J^) because you are online?   □ Yes   □ No

So, what do you do if you think you are an addict? Go to an advice service. Where is it? On the Internet, of course

1. Those who are always online are called _____.

A. Internet users                      B. Internet experts

C. Internet addicts                    D. Internet providers

2. According to the first paragraph, people find the Internet a great place to _______.

A. become addicted                   B. get information

C. make money                      D. do office work

3. According to one expert, Internet addicts are often young people who usually _____.

A. enjoy a lot of hobbies               B. suffer from poor health

C. have problems with life and work      D. take thorough medical examinations

4. If you want to find out whether you are an Internet addict, you are advised to ________.

A. go through the check list provided     B. take a special training course

C. ask a friend about it                 D. go to see a doctor

5. This passage is mainly about ________

A. the use of the Internet               B. the types of Internet addicts

C. the advantages of the Internet         D. the signs of an Internet addict



The contract of employment is the agreement made between the employer and the employee. This could be a written agreement or in an oral form.

In addition, the contract will also include “custom and practice” agreements. These are how things are usually done in the workplace, for example, if the employer always gives the employees a day’s holiday in August. Even though this is not mentioned in the written contract, this will from part of the contract as it is the usual practice.

A trade union may have negotiated(谈判达成)an agreement with an employer about conditions at work. The negotiated agreement will often from part of a contract.

Some contracts will be illegal if:

*the employee gets all or part of their wages in cash;

*tax and national insurance contributions(国民保险税)are not paid; and

*the employee knows they are getting paid in this way to avoid paying national insurance and tax.

  1. According to the first paragraph, a contract of employment.

A. must be written one   B. could be in an oral form

C. should be signed by a trade union   D. ought to be a workplace agreement

2. “Custom and practice” agreement are usually_______.         . .

A. included in the contract

B. known to employees only

C. always written clearly in the contract

D. signed by both the employer and a trade union

3. According to the passage, the trade union and employer may negotiate an agreement on_______.

A. paid holidaysB. insurance terms

C. training programs  D. conditions at work

4. If the employee receives his pay in cash, this practice will be regarded as _______.

A. reasonable  B. practical  C. illegal  D. unfair

  1. The passage is mainly about

A. the negotiation with an employer  B. the working conditions

C. the employment contract   D. the job responsibilities



A shared house is money-saving. When you share a house, your bills, rent and possibly food costs will be much lower. If the house is already established, you don’t have to worry about buying things like a fridge and TV.

Choosing good housemates(合租人)

Moving in with friends can be fun but it can result in conflict(冲突)and a loss of friendship. Think carefully about the type of person suited to your character.

Ask advice from friends who have lived in share house, or consult a youth worker or relative.

Setting some guidelines

Every share house is different, but there are some guidelines(准则)that can help you avoid conflict:

* Issue or ask for a receipt(收据)when you pay or collect the rent.

* Spread responsibility for bill payment.

*Where possible, deal with problems through face-to-face communication.

Our Living in a share house web-page has some advice and ideas to help make sharing with your housemates a great experience.

1. According to the passage, an ideal housemate is person who is.

A. suitable for your character B. good at doing housework

C. willing to help you     D. easy to talk with

2. According to the first paragraph, the main advantage of a share house is that.

A. it avoids wasting time B. it saves your money

C. it develops friendship     D. it prevents conflict

3. When you collect the rent from your housemate, you are advised to.

A. write down the amount     B. choose a right date

C. demand cash only     D. give a receipt

4. To solve a problem with your housemate, it is better for you to.

A. discuss it with the person on the telephone

B. seek advice from your friends or relatives

C. talk with him or her about it face to face

D. speak to your parents about it first

  1. The passage is mainly about how to.

A. choose a good neighbor    B. look for a new house

C. live in a share house    D. share housework



Companies sometimes receive hundreds of applications for a single job, and it is becoming more common for managers to conduct screening (筛选) interviews over the phone. This saves them considerable time and money—especially if a candidate lives out of town.

Don’t take these interviews lightly. It is important to prepare for a telephone interview just as you would do foe a regular interview.

The employer will normally call or e-mail you in advance to set up an interview time. If possible, arrange for the interview to be held over a landline phone (座机), as it is more reliable than a mobile phone. Make sure that children, pets and other sources of interruption will be out of the room. Keep a glass of water nearby.

Phone interviews can often last a half-hour to an hour and be sure to have your resume in front of you. Do your best to be personal, but don’t overdo it by, say, trying to tell a joke.

1. An employer usually arranges the time for the interview by ________.

A. paying you a personal visit first

B. calling or e-mailing you in advance

C. announcing the date in the newspaper

D. asking you to visit the company’s website

2. Screening interviews over the phone is becoming more common because ________.

A. It is simple and fair B. it is easier to prepare

C. it seems more friendly D. it saves time and money

3. A landline phone is preferred for the interview because it is more ________.

A. reliable B. economical C. efficient D. practical

4. What should you do with your resume during a phone interview?

A. Keep it in front of you. B. Read it out if required.

C. Post it up online. D. Send it by e-mail.

5. In the last sentence, by saying “…but don’t overdo it…”, the author means “don’t be too ____.”

A. nervous B. proud C. personal D. formal



If you’re looking for ways to improve your products or services, customers can be one of your most valuable sources of information and market research. So why not take it a step further and visit some of them?

Ideally, you want to do this in person, so you may need to offer you customers something for their time. They may be pleased that you take their opinion seriously, and they may also enjoy getting a chance to help influence your products or services. If you customers are in different places, you could make such visits part of your business travel to get a wider range of responses.

One expert recommends that you make your customers feel comfortable during the visits. You’re not trying to sell anything through these meetings, so plan to spend 80 percent of your time listening.

Don’t try to lead your customer to give responses that you really want to hear. Instead, ask questions that focus on the customer’s experience, such as whether they got what they were hoping for and what they found difficult or enjoyable.

1. In the first paragraph, the author suggested ________.

A. paying a visit to some customers

B. finding out sources of information

C. advertising your products or services

D. carrying out various market researches

2. According to the passage, your customers can be very helpful in ________.

A. expanding your business

B. reducing your production cost

C. selling your products or services

D. improving your products or services

3. Your customers may feel happy if you ________.

A. take them as your good friends B. treat their opinions seriously

C. offer quick responses D. visit them regularly

4. According to the expert, the way to make your customers comfortable during the

visit is ________.

A. to promise them the best price

B. to explain your sales plan to them

C. to spend most of your time listening

D. to tell them the advantages of your products

5. The focus of your questions during the visit should be on ________.

A. the development o your business B. responses that you want to hear

C. the customer’s experience D. your future sales plan



On deciding to buy your first home, you’re likely to be excited and full of enthusiasm (热情). However, you should take care to plan well and understand the process to avoid any unexpected problems.

Here are some things you’ll need to consider to help you get started.

First, think about what you need and what you want from your new home. Perhaps you need to be close to your place of work because you don’t drive. It may be that you want a large garden to satisfy your gardening hobby. Be sure to understand the differences between needs and wants as it’s likely you’ll need to give up some of your wants.

Then, use the internet, your local library and your friends and family to find out all you can about the buying process. You’ll need to make decisions down the line and it will help if you understand the buying process.

At this stage, you will normally need to contact a mortgage (按揭) advisor to see how much money you can borrow.

Of course, there are lots of costs related to buying a home which may not be immediately clear to first time buyers.

1. When buying a new home, the first thing you should consider is ________.

A. the size of the gardenB. your needs and wants

C. your job and incomeD. the environment

2. If you want to buy your first home, you are advised to __________ .

A. borrow some money from a bankB. save enough money in advance

C. understand the buying processD. get to know the housing agent

3. The purpose of contacting a mortgage advisor is ________.

A. to see whether the price of the home is reasonable

B. to ask about the legal issues related to the buying

C. to make sure you understand the buying process

D. to find out how much money you can borrow

4. If you are a first time buyer, you may not be aware of ________.

A. the various costs related to buying a home

B. the history of the home you want to buy

C. the time when you can move in

D. the name of the house owner

5. The passage is written mainly for ________.

A. house ownersB. mortgage advisors

C. housing companiesD. first time home buyers



A friend of mine is a department manager at a large company. His secretary requested a 10% salary raise.

The problem was that 10% was a large raise compared to the 5% other employees had received. Was there a win-win(双赢)way out of this problem?

As they looked at the possibilities, several ideas appeared. The company starts work at 8 am and closes at 5 pm. The manager learned that his secretary got caught in heavy traffic every evening on the way home. They agreed to have her work from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm. This saved her at least 20-25 minutes driving time, a benefit to her at little or no loss to the company.

They then studied her job in detail. Before long they jointly developed a new idea which gave her more responsibilities, and, at the same time, more interesting work.

Both parties benefitted from the changed arrangement of work. The raise itself was then discussed. A decision was made by agreeing on a 6% raise for three months and then an additional 12% later if the new responsibilities were properly performed.

1. What was the department secretary’ s request?

A. A better work environment. B. A change of job position.

C. A challenging task. D. A salary raise.

2. The salary raise for the other employees was______.

A. 2 percent B. 5 percent C. 6 percent D. 10 percent

3. According to the passage, to achieve a win-win result the company agreed to______.

A. give the secretary fewer responsibilities

B. allow the secretary to work from home

C. change the secretary’s work time

D. reduce the secretary’s work load

4. Who will benefit from the new arrangement of work?

A. All the employees in the company. B. The company and the secretary.

C. The company only. D. The secretary herself.

5. According to the last paragraph, the secretary may have an additional 2% salary raise if_____.

A. she can perform her new responsibilities well

B. the company offers her a higher position

C. she agrees to change her work schedule

D. the company makes more profits



It is important for us to know how to stay safe while traveling in foreign countries. We’ve all heard the stories of travelers having their wallets (钱包) stolen or finding themselves in the wrong part of town. So you have to be more careful than usual, when traveling abroad.

Remember to carry a small amount of cash and a copy of your ID with you at all times. There is no need to bring large amounts of cash with you. When shopping, use your credit card instead. Keep your wallet in your front pocket so that there is no way someone’s hand could get in there without your noticing it.

Travel with a friend, business partner if possible. It is always better to travel in pairs than to go alone. Know where you’re going. Look at the map before you leave the hotel so that you know where you’re going and how to get there.

Lock your valuables (贵重物品) either in the safe in your hotel room or in the main hotel safe.

Be aware of your surroundings. Look around when walking, and avoid keeping your head low.

1. When shopping abroad, you are advised to _____.

A. use online servicesB. use a credit card

C. pay by checkD. pay in cash

2. To keep your wallet safe, you’d better _____.

A. hold it in your handB. leave it in the hotel safe

C. put it in your front pocketD. keep it in your shoulder bag

3. Where should you keep your valuables while staying in a hotel?

A. In the hotel safe.B. In your pockets.

C. In your traveling bag.D. In a bedside container.

4. To know where you are going, you are advised to _____.

A. ask the police for detailed information

B. look at the map before leaving the hotel

C. always travel with your business partner

D. have a smart phone with you while traveling

5. Which of the following can be the title for the passage?

A. How to Ask Ways While TravelingB. How to Shop in a Foreign Country

C. Protect Your Personal InformationD. Stay Safe While Traveling Abroad



Starting a restaurant can be rewarding but challenging. Here are some steps to help you to make your restaurant business a success.

First, take a look at the restaurants that will be your competition. Learn what your competitors (竞争者) are serving and use the information to create a restaurant that will stand out among them. Speak to people to understand what type of restaurant they would like to have in the area.

Next, you will need to make a decision as to what kind of food you plan to offer. Choosing your target customers will help determine what type of food you will offer.

Research the different types of menus and select the menu items that will be right for your restaurant.

Deciding on the building and its location is also important for your success. Make sure that the building is easily found and reached. It is important to be located in an area that will attract customers.

Finally, do plenty of public relations work and advertisement of the restaurant opening. Consider having some special discounts and door prizes on the day of the grand opening.

1. By choosing your target customers, you can __________.

A. learn how much you can charge for each dish.

B. decide on what kind of food to offer them.

C. know the cost of running the restaurant.

D. predict how many customers will arrive.

2. According to the passage, the first step in starting a restaurant is to ____________.

A. find a suitable location.

B. set up your profit goal.

C. learn much about your competitors.

D. advertise the opening of your restaurant.

3. Which of the following is important when you choose a building for your restaurant?

A. There are no other restaurants nearby. B. It is easy for customers to visit.

C. There is a parking lot available. D. It is popular with tourists.

4. On the day of the opening of your restaurant, you are advised to _________.

A. show customers around the building. B. invite some important persons.

C. offer some special discounts. D. make an opening speech.

5. The passage is mainly about __________.

A. how to choose a restaurant location. B. how to cut restaurant running costs.

C. how to attract customers. D. how to start a restaurant.



It is often difficult for a man to be quite sure what tax () he ought to pay to the government because it depends on so many different things: whether the man is married; how many children he has; whether he supports any relations; how much he earns; how much interest he receives; how much he has spent on his house during the year, and so on and so forth. All this makes it difficult to decide exactly how much the tax is.

There was a certain artist who was always very careful to pay the proper amount.

One year, after posting his check as usual, he began to wonder if he had paid enough, and after a lot of wok, with a pencil and paper, decided that he had not. He believed that he owed the government something.

He was just writing another check to send to the tax-collector when the postman dropped a letter into the box at the front door. Opening it, the artist was surprised to find inside it a check for five pounds from the tax-collector. The official explained that too much had been paid, and that therefore the difference was now returned to the taxpayer.

1. According to the passage, to decide the exact amount of tax to be paid is _______.

A. simple            B. easy             C. difficult         D. interesting

2. The word “ proper “ in the first line of the second paragraph means ______.

A. small             B. big              C. right            D. wrong

3. It is mentioned in the passage that one has to pay tax according to _______.

A. how much education one has received

B. whether one is single or married

C. how old one’s children are

D. where one lives

4. After a lot of work, the artist thought that he has paid the government _______.

A. less tax than he should have               B. more tax than he should have

C. as much tax as usual                     D. just enough tax

5. Why did the tax-collector send a letter to the man?

A. To send him a new tax form.B. To return the money over-paid.

C. To remind him of paying the tax.D. To explain the rules of tax-collector



People travel a lot with Heaven Air because they know they will get what they want.

They want to go quickly and safely across the land, across the sea or right across the world, and they know Heaven Air will take them where they want to go whenever they want to go. Heaven Air flies all the newest and fastest planes to more towns and cities of the world than any other airlines.

Do you want to go to Paris, Washington, Tokyo? Heaven Air will take you there, at all times of the day or night, right through the week. But Heaven Air flies not only to the biggest cities,we also fly two or three times a week to towns and cities in the very center of Asia, Africa and South America.

People fly with Heaven Air because they know they will leave on time and arrive on time. They know that they will receive the best food and watch the best films.

Heaven Air is second to none.

1. Heaven Air is the name of_________.

A. an airline B. a plane

C. a travel service D. an advertising program

2. Traveling with Heaven Air is_________.

A. comfortable but expensive B. cheap and pleasant

C. exciting but rare D. quick and safe

3. Heaven Air can take you to Paris_________.

A. on weekends only B. just on weekdays

C. any time in a week D. two or three times a week

4. Most flights of Heaven Air go to ___________.

A. big cities B. small towns

C. both big and small cities D. the very center of Asia

5. According to the advertisement, Heaven Air believes it is___________.

A. the second biggest in the world B. the best in the world

C. the biggest in the world D. the second best in the world



Dear Sir or Madam,

The MDC Company was established in 2001 and in four short years has become one of the most successful companies in the market place. For this, we are pleased, proud and grateful.

We are pleased because our customers have confirmed our belief that if the products we offer are new, exciting, innovative (有创意的) and of excellent quality, they will be purchased.

We are proud because we know we are a company that keeps its word to its customers; that guarantees that any product can be returned within 30 days if it proves to be unsatisfactory in any way; and that always lets our customers know if there is to be a delay in delivery.

We are grateful to customers like you, because you confirm our beliefs that good service and quality result in satisfied customers. Without you, there would be no reason for us to be pleased or proud. We thank you for your orders and for giving us the opportunity to be of service to you.

Our special summer catalogue (商品目录) is at the printers and should be in your home soon. We hope that you will be pleased with the new selections.

Yours faithfully,

John Brown

1. From the passage we can learn that MDC Company always_________.

A. keeps its promise

B. provides the same products

C. sells its products at a low price

D. delivers its products without delay

2. MDC Company believes that its customers are satisfied because the company_________.

A. gives them opportunities to order B. provides good service and quality

C. guarantees the quickest delivery D. sends new catalogues to them

3. The customers will be informed if _________.

A. the product can't be delivered on time

B. the product is out - of - date and unsatisfactory

C. the company doesn't accept the returned product

D. the company can t send a new catalogue on time

4. What can we learn about the company?

A. It has the largest number of customers.

B. It is grateful for its employees' efforts.

C. It is successful in the market place.

D. It charges the least for its services.

5. The purpose of this letter is to_________.

A. tell the customers about the quality of their products

B. express the company's thanks to the customers

C. prove the excellent service of the company

D. inform the customers of a new catalogue



There are stories about two U. S . presidents, Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren, which attempt to explain the American English term OK. We don’t know if either story is true, but they are both interesting.

The first explanation is based on the fact that President Jackson had very little education. In fact, he had difficulty reading and writing. When important papers came to Jackson, he tried to read them and then had his assistants explain what they said. If he approved of a paper. he would write”all correct”on it. The problem was that he didn’t know how to spell. So what he really wrote was”ol korekt”. After a while, he shortened that term to”OK”.

The second explanation is based on the place where President Van Buren was born, Kinderhook, New York. Van Bnren’s friends organized a club to help him become President They caned the club the Old Kinderhook Club, and anyone who supported Van Buren was called”OK”.

1. The author_______.

A. believes both of the stories    

B. doesn’t believe a word of the stories

C. is not sure whether the stories are true    

D. is telling the stories just for fun

2. According to the passage, President Jackson_______.

A. couldn’t draw up any documents at all    

B. didn’t like to read important papers by himself

C. often had his assistants sign documents for him    

D .wasn’t good at reading, writing or spelling

3. According to the first story, the term “OK” ______.

A. was approved of by President Jackson  

B. was the title of some Official documents

C. was first used by President Jackson   

D. was an old way to spell “all correct”

4. According to the second story, the term “OK”______.

A. was the short way to say “old Kinderhook Club”  

B. was used to call Van Buren’s supporters in the election

C. was the name of Van Buren’s club         

D. meant the place where President Van Buren was born

5. According to the second story, the term “OK”was first used        .

A. by Van Buren    

B. by the members of the “Old Kinderhook Club”

C. to organize the Old Kinderhook Club   

D. in a presidential election



If we were asked exactly what we were doing a year ago, we should probably have to say that we could not remember But if we had kept a book and had written in it an account of what we did each day, we should be able to give an answer to the question.

It is the same in history. Many things have been forgotten because we do not have any written account of them. Sometimes men did keep a record of the most important happenings in their country, but often it was destroyed by fire or in a war. Sometimes there was never any written record at all because the people of that time and place did not know how to Write. For example, we know a good deal about the people who lived in China 4, 000 years ago, because they could write and leave written records for those who lived after them. But we know almost nothing about the people who lived even 200 years ago in central AfricA. because they had not learned to write.

Sometimes. of course, even if the people cannot write, they may know something of the past. They have heard about it from older people, and often songs and dances and stories have been made about the most important happenings, and these have been sung and acted and told for many generations For most people are proud to tell what their fathers did in the past. This we may call ‘remembered history’. Some of it has now been written down. It is not so exact or so valuable to us as written history is, because words are much more easily changed when used again and again in speech than when copied in writing. But where there are no written records, such spoken stories are often very helpful.

1. Which of the following ideas is not suggested in the passage?

A. “Remembered history”, compared with written history, is less reliable

B. Written records of the past play the most important role in our learning of the human history.

C. A written account of our daily activities helps US to be able to answer many questions.

D. Where there are no written records, there is no history.

2. We know very little about the central Africa 200 years ago because ______.

A. there was nothing worth being written down at that time

B. the people there ignored the importance of keeping a record

C. the written records were perhaps destroyed by a fire

D. the people there did not know how to write

3. “Remembered history” refers to ______.

A. history based on a person’s imagination

B .stories of important happenings passed down from mouth to mouth

C .songs and dances about the most important events

D .both B and C

4. The passage suggests that we could have learned much more about our past than we do now if the ancient people had _______.

A. kept a written record of every past event    

B. not burnt their written records in wars

C. told exact stories of the most important happenings    

D. made more songs and dances

5. “Remembered history” is regarded as valuable only when ______.

A. it is written downB .no written account is available

C. it proves to be time   D. people are interested in it



Trees are useful to man in three very important waysthey provide him wood and other productsthey give him shadeand they help to prevent drought(干旱)and floods.

Unfortunately, in many parts of the world, man has not realized that the third of these services is the most important. In his eagerness to draw quick profit from the trees, he has cut them down in large numbers

Two thousand years ago, a rich and powerful country cut down its trees to build warships, with which to gain itself an empire. It gained the empire but, without its trees, its soil became bare and poor. When the empire fell to pieces, the country found itself faced by floods and starvation.

Even where a government realizes the importance of a plentiful supply of trees, it is difficult sometimes to make the people realize this. They cut down the trees but are too careless to plant and look after new trees So, unless the government has a good system of control, or can educate the people, the forests slowly disappear

This does not only mean that there will be fewer trees. The results are even more seriousfor where there are trees, their roots break the soil up, allowing the rain to sink in,  and also bind the soil. This prevents the soil from being washed away. But where there are no trees, the rainfalls on hard ground and flows away on the surface, and this causes floods and the rain carries away the rich topsoil in which crops grow When a11 the topsoil is gone. nothing remains but worthless desert.

1. Trees are useful to man mainly in three ways, the most important of which is that they can ___.

A. keep him from the hot sunshine        

B. enable him to build warships

C. make him draw quick profit from them       

D .protect him from droughts and floods

2. It’s a great pity that _______

A. man is only interested in building empires         

B. man is eager to profit from trees

C. man hasn’t realized the importance of trees to him   

D. man hasn’t found out that he has lost all trees

3. Sooner or later the forests will disappear _______.

A. unless a country has a plenty supply of trees     

B. unless people stop cutting down their trees

C. unless aIl people are taught the importance of planting trees

D. unless the government punishes those who cut trees instead of planting them

4. When there is a heavy rain. trees can help to prevent floods. as they can. _____

A. keep rain from falling down to soft ground    

B. cause the soil to allow rainwater to sink in

C. prevent the soil from being washed away     

D .make the topsoil stick together

5. The word”bind”in Paragraph 5 means”______”

A. to wash away      B. to make wet        

C. to make stay together       D. to improve



With the living standard improving rapidly, people’s demand upon food and catering (餐饮) service is also changing rapidly. Such changes reflect(反映) the improvement of modern life style and life quality.

Firstly, people demand that the food should provide overall and balanced nutrition. Now people have realized that food with high protein (蛋白质) and fat are harmful to their health, and hence begin to take in more different nourishment.

Secondly, people pay more attention to the sanitation of the food and the catering service. The focus on “green food”, “green material” and “fresh material” can be taken as the prime instance to show people’s consciousness of the important of sanitation.

At last, the catering service industry has been increasingly standardized (标准化). Now most restaurants can provide their guests with standardized food and service. On the other hand, many restaurants have come up with a lot of special food and services in order to meet various needs of different guests.

1. Why do restaurant offer special food and services?

A. To be different from other restaurants.   B. To make more money.

C. To attract guests of different tastes.   D. To show off.

2. What do people want most from food?

A. Fat and calorie.                       B. Overall and balanced nutrition

C. High protein.                          D. Both A and C.

3. What does “sanitation” (Line 1, Para. 3) mean?

A. Clean          B. Fresh           C. Green      D. All of the above

4. What can we learn from the passage?

A. Restaurants that offer traditional foods will disappear.

B. Restaurants that play green and standardization will survive.

C. Restaurants that offer limited services will get lost in the market.

D. Restaurants that offer special foods and services make small profits.

5. What is this passage mainly about?

A. Living standard of modern people.

B. Food and catering services.

C. Modern life style and life quality.

D. The demands of modern people on food and catering service.



Almost every family buys as least one copy of a newspaper every day. Some people subscribe to as many as two or three different newspapers  But why do people read newspapers?

Five hundred years ago, news of important happenings--battles lost and won, kings or rulers overthrown(推翻)or killed--took months and even years to travel from one country to another. The news passed by word of mouth and was never accurate. Today we can read in our newspapers of important events that occur in far away countries on the same day they happen.

Apart from supplying news from all over the world, newspapers give us a lot of other useful information There are weather reports, radio, television and film guides, book reviews, stories, and of course. advertisements. The bigger ones are put in by large companies to bring attention to their products. They pay the newspapers thousands of dollars for the advertising space, but it is worth the money for news of their products goes into almost every home in the country For those who produce newspapers, advertisements are also very important. Money earned from advertisements makes it possible for them to sell their newspapers at a low price and still make a profit.

1. The habit of reading newspapers is______

A. widespread   B. found among a few families      

C. not popular        D. uncommon

2. The phrase “subscribe to’’ in the first paragraph means”_______”

A. go to the newspaper stand and buy               

B. send their own news stories to

C. agree to buy for a specific period of time          

D. become faithful readers of

3. Before the time of the newspaper, ______

A. bad news traveled quickly and good news slowly   

B. few people cared about events that took place in far away countries

C. kings and rulers were often overthrown or killed   

D. news was passed from one person to another

4. The author seems to agree that money spent on advertisements is_______.

A. wasted        B. not much        C well spent     D. of no use to anyone

5. Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Five hundred years ago it took a long time for news to reach other countries.

B. Newspaper advertisements turn people’S attention away from their products.

C. The news that we read in newspapers is mainly about new products.

D. When newspapers are sold at a low price, the newspaper producers will lose money.



I was due to take my driving test at 1130 AM. It was a rainy morning with low clouds and as I approached the driving school at 950 AM, my heart sank. My driving instructor, Stan, said something, trying to drive away my fears, but I was not impressed

We set off for the test centre with an hour to go I wanted a run round the test circuit (), but we got stuck in a traffic jam, and could only drive no faster than walking.

We arrived at the test centre at 11 AM. Stan made me watch a group of six learners emerging from the building with their respective(各自的)examiners. Their instructors were looking out from two windows. We watched them drive off They must have been feeling very nervous

Stan took me round the probable test track, pointing out the traps. The weather became even worse It seemed to make me feel worse too. I had developed a couldn’t-care-less mood, and was almost calm. We returned to the test centre in time to see the six unfortunates returning. Their nerves must have been in a terrible state.

I sat in the waiting room until six examiners came in to call out our respective names. Mine showed no emotion as he asked me to go to my car I showed none either, but the tension began mounting again.

1. On their way to the test center, Stan tried to comfort the author_______.

A. but it made the author’s heart sink deeper            

B. but the words produced no effect

C .so that the author could drive to the center with no fears   

D. so that they could prepare for all he flaps

2. When the author was sitting in the waiting room, he was quite_______.

A. upset            B. nervous         C. frightened            D. relaxed

3. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Six learners would be tested at the same time.    

B. The learners were tested in the presence of their instructors

C. None of the six learners passed the test in the enD.

D The instructors were as nervous as the learners

4. When it was his turn to take the test, the author went to his car with_______.

A. firm confidence    B mixed emotions  

C. increased nervousness D. perfect calmness

5. The passage is mainly about_______.

A. the influence of bad weather upon a test taker   

B. the feelings of a learner before his driving test

C. the preparations before a driving test            

D. an unforgettable day



Children in the United States are exposed to many influences other than that of their families. Television is the most significant of these influences, because the habit of watching television usually begins before children start attending school.

Parents are concerned about the lack of quality in television programs for children. The degree of violence in many of these shows also worries them. Studies indicate that, when children are exposed to violence, they many become aggressive or insecure.

Parents are also concerned at, out the commercials that their children see on television.  Many parents would like to see fewer commercials during programs for children. And some parents feel that these shows should not have any commercials at all because young minds are not mature enough to deal with the claims made by advertisers.

Educational television has no commercials and has programs for children that many parents approve of The most famous of these is Sesame Street, which tries to give preschool children a head start in learning the alphabet(字母)and numbers. It also flies to teach children useful things about the world in which they live.

Even though most parents and educators give Sesame Street and shows like it high marks for quality, some critics argue that all television, whether educational or not, is harmful to children. These critics feel that the habit of watching hours of television every day turns children into bored and passive(被动的)consumers of their world rather than encouraging them to become active explorers of it.

1. Which of the following statements is NOT based on the passage?

A. Parents are worried about the influence from television on their children    

B. Television has much influence on children

C. Both parents and their children like watching educational television.

D. Some critics think that television is no good for children.

2. In what ways do children suffer from television?

A. They become the victims of social violence     

B. They spend hours watching television instead of doing school work

C. The programs make the children lose interest in the world.

D. The programs make the children spend too much of their parents’ money

3. Educational television is widely appreciated because_______.

A. it does have the same commercials as others  

B. it offers programs for both children and their parents

C. many parents like the programs it offers for their children  

D. children can learn some school subjects before they go to school

4. Parents would not like their children to see commercials because_______.

A. they think that their children are not old enough to handle advertising  

B. commercials teach children alphabet and numbers

C. commercials help to sell products       

D. they don’t like commercials

5. Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage?

A. Watching Too Much Television May Be Harmful to Young Minds  

B. Television Is More Harmful than Educational

C. Television’s Influence on Children    

D. More Education Television



We can make mistakes at any age. Some mistakes we make are about money. But most mistakes are about people. “Did Jerry really care when I broke up with Helen?…When I got that great job, did Jerry really feel good about it, as a friend? Or did he envy my luck?” When we look back, doubts like these can make US feel bad. But when we look back, It’s too late.

Why do we go wrong about our friends-or our enemies? Sometimes what people say hides their real meaning. And if we don’t really listen, we miss the feeling behind the words. Suppose someone tells you. “You’re a lucky dog”. Is he really on your side? If he says, “You’re a lucky guy”or”You’re a lucky gal”. That’s being friendly. But“lucky dog”?There’s a bit of envy in those words Maybe he doesn’t see it himself. But bringing in the“dog”bit puts you down a little. What he may be saying is that he doesn’t think you deserve your luck.

How can you tell the real meaning behind someone’s words? One way is to take a good look at the person talking. Do his words fit the way he looks? Does what he says square with the tone of voice? His posture(体态)?The look in his eyes? Stop and think. The minute you spend thinking about the real meaning of what people say to you may save another mistake

1. From the questions in the first paragraph we can learn that the speaker_______.

A. feels happy, thinking of how nice his friends were to him

B. feels he may not have”read” his friends’true feelings correctly

C. thinks it was a mistake to have broken up with his girl friend, Helen

D. is sorry that his friends let him down

2. In the second paragraph. the author uses the example of “You’re a lucky dog” to show that_______.

A. the speaker of this sentence is just being friendly

B. this saying means the same as “You’re a lucky guy” or “You’re a lucky gal”

C. sometimes the words used by a speaker give a clue to the feeling behind the words

D. the word”dog”shouldn’t be used to apply to people

3. This passage tries to tell you how to _______.

A. avoid mistakes about money and friends    

B. bring the “dog’’bit into our conversation

C. avoid mistakes in understanding what people tell you    

D. keep people friendly without trusting them

4. If you followed the advice of the writer, you would_______.

A. be able to get the real meaning of what people say to you   

B. avoid any mistakes while talking with people who envy you

C. not lose real friends who say things that do not please you   

D. be able to observe people as they are talking to you

5. In listening to a person, the important thing is ______

A. to notice his tone, his posture, and the look in his eyes    

B. to listen to how he pronounces his words

C. to check his words against his manner, his tone of voice, and his posture    

D. not to believe what he says



One silly question I simply can’t stand is”How do you feel?” Usually the question is asked of a man in action—a man on the go, walking along the street, or busily working at his desk So what do you expect him to say? He’ll probably say. “Fine, I’m all right.” But “you’ve put a bug in his ear”maybe now he’s not sure if you are a good friend, you may have seen something in his face, or his walk, that he did not realize that morning it starts him worrying a little. First thing you know, he looks in a mirror to see if everything is all right, while you go merrily on your way asking someone else. “How do you feel?”

Every question has its time and place It’s perfectly acceptable, for instance, to ask “How do you feel?’’ if you’re visiting a close friend in the hospital. But if the fellow is walking on both legs, hurrying to make a train, or sitting at his desk working, it’s no time to ask him that silly question.

When George Bernard Shaw, the famous writer of plays was in his eighties, someone asked him “How do you feel”, Shaw put him in his place. “When you reach my age”, he said. “either you feel all right or you’re dead”

1. According to the writer, greetings, such as “How do you feel?” ______

A. show one’s consideration for others          

B. are a good way to make friends

C. are proper to ask a man in action            

D. generally make one feel uneasy

2. The question “How do you feel?” seems to be correct and suitable when asked of ______.

A. a man working at his desk                  

B. a person having lost a close friend

C. a stranger who looks somewhat worried       

D. a friend who is ill

3. George Bernard Shaw’s reply in the passage shows his ______

A. cheerfulness       B. cleverness       C. ability           D. politeness

4. The writer seems to feel that a busy man should ______

A. be praised for his efforts             B. never be asked any question   

C. not be bothered                    D. be discouraged from working so hard

5. “You’ve put a bug in his ear’’ means that you’ve______

A. made him laugh                   B. shown concern for him    

C. made fun of him                   D. given him some kind of warning



Many animals have an excellent sense of smell, which they use in hunting. On the other hand, their eyesight may be poor. Dogs, for example, have poor eyesight and no color vision. They see only shades of gray. But a dog’s sense of smell is extraordinary.

The kind of dog known as Alastian has 220 million olfactory cells. Man has five million. Scientists believe that the Alastian is one million times better than man in finding out odors.

The human sense of smell, however, is really quite good. The average human being can distinguish more than 10000 different odors.

1. According to the passage, which of the following facts is not true

A. Many animals have poor eyesight while their sense of smell is quite good.

B. Dogs are color blind.

C. The human sense of smell is not good.

D. Dogs can see no more than shades of gray.

2. The underlined word odor means a ______.

A. thing        B. person        C. smell             D. color

3. The Alastian’s olfactory cells are _____ times as many as man’s.

A. forty-four   B. one million        C. 220 million         D. 10000

4. Generally speaking, a man can tell ______ different odors.

A. five million                             B. more than 10000      

C. fewer than 10000                         D. no more than 10000

5. The best title of the passage is “______”.

A. The Human Sense of Smell         B. Dogs Have Poor Eyesight

C. Sense of Smell                   D. Dogs Have Excellent Sense of Smell



Overhead bridges are found in many parts of Singapore, especially in places where traffic is heavy and crossing the road is dangerous.

The purpose of these bridges is to enable people to cross roads safely. Overhead bridges are used in very much the same way as zebra crossing (斑马线). They are more efficient although less convenient because people have to climb up a long flight of steps. This is inconvenient especially to older people. When people use an overhead bridge, they don’t hold up traffic. However, when they cross a busy road using a zebra crossing, traffic is held up. This is why the government has built up many overhead bridges to help people and to keep traffic moving at the same time.

For their own safety, people should be encouraged to use them instead of risking their lives by dashing () across the road. Old people, however, may find it a little difficult climbing up and down the steps, but it is still advisable for them to use overhead bridges.

Overhead bridges serve a very useful purpose. This will prevent unnecessary accidents and loss of life.

1. The advantage of overhead bridges is that _____.

A. they don’t hold up traffic and they are safer  

B. people can have a better view of the city  

C. they are more convenient to use  

D. they can save a lot of time and space

2. Compared with Overhead bridges, zebra crossing is ________.

A. much safer      B. more convenient

C. more efficient    D. more popular

3. People are encouraged to use overhead bridges mainly because _______

A. zebra crossing can be ignored

B. it is necessary to reduce traffic jam

C. they prevent accidents and loss of life

D. traffic is very heavy in large cities

4. What do old people think of crossing the overhead bridges?

A. They like the idea of building overhead bridges.

B. They have no difficulty using overhead bridges.

C. They think the overhead bridges are too expensive to build.

D. They find overhead bridges somewhat inconvenient to use.

5. According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Overhead bridges are inconvenient only to elderly people.

B. Using overhead bridges has become a fashion to modern cities.

C. It’s a waste of money for the government to build overhead bridges.

D. Using overhead bridges is a good way of avoiding danger and deaths.



After a busy day of work and play, the body needs to rest. Sleeping is necessary for good health, During this time, the body recovers from the activities of the previous day. The rest that you get while sleeping enables your body to prepare itself for the next day.

There are four levels of sleep, each being a little deeper than the one before. As you sleep, your muscles relax little by little. Your heart beats more slowly, and your brain slows down. After you reach the fourth level, your body shifts back and forthfrom one level of sleep to the other.

Although your mind slows down, from time to time you will dream. Scientists who study sleep state that when dreaming occurs, your eyeballs begin to move more quickly (although your eyelids are closed), This stage of sleep is called REM, which stands for rapid eye movement.

If you have trouble falling asleep, some people recommend breathing very deeply. Other people believe that drinking warm milk will help make you drowsy. There is also an old suggestion the counting sheep will put you to sleep.

1. A good title for this passage is ______

A. sleep           B. good health        C. dreams     D. work and rest

2. This passage suggests that not getting enough sleep might make you _____

A. dream more often                       B. have poor health

C. nervous                               D. breathe quickly

3. The word “drowsy” in the last paragraph means _______

A. sick          B. stand up         C. asleep         D. a little sleepy

4. During REM, _________
   A. your eyes move quickly                   B. you dream

C. you are restless                          D. both A and B

5. The average number of hours of sleep that an adult needs is ________

A. approximately six hours                   B. about eight hours

B. around ten hours                         D. not stated here



December 22, 2004

Dear Mr. Smith,

We thank you for your inquiry about out newly designed office furniture. It is a great pleasure to serve you again.

The items you inquired in your letter are selling extremely well in our area. They are very easy to use, convenient forfilingdocuments(存放文件), and taking much less space than previous ones. In addition, they are at least 25% lower in cost compared with our previous ones and those of our competitors.

Your order can be delivered to your central warehouse(仓库)in Los Angeles within 30 working days after we receive it. And a discount of 2% on the total value is possible if payment is made within 15 days of delivery(交货).

Please order without delay since our popular products may well be out of stock.

Your sincerely,

Paul Y. Shen

General Manager

ABC Company

1. This letter is written to.

A. a designer    B. a supplier      C. a customer    D. an office worker

2. The office furniture seems to be used.

A. to occupy some space in the roomB. to keep something important

C. for office workers to work atD. for people to sit on

3. Compared to the previous products, the newly designed one           .

A. costs a little more                     B. requires special skills

C. takes much space                     D. sells quite well

4. The word “order” (Line1, Para.3) probably means.

A. a request to change goods                B. the goods you ordered    

C. a written paper                         D. a printed paper

5. After ordering the goods, Mr. Smith might pay for them within two weeks because


A. the furniture is 25% lower in costB. the product may be out of stock

C. he can enjoy 2% discountD. he can get them within 30 days



In the United States, the fall holiday season begins on Thanksgiving Day, the fourth Thursday in November. Originally(最初) a day of thanks for good harvests, it is celebrated with a big dinner, and turkey(火鸡) is the traditional main course. Christmas comes on December 25, about a month after Thanksgiving. At Christmas time. people give each other gifts and send Christmas cards. Children especially look forward to this season. New Year’s Eve, December 31, comes a week after Christmas. On New Year’s Eve, people have gay parties to celebrate the end of the old year and the beginning of the new. This is the end of the holiday season. Easter comes in March or April. This is a religious holiday, and it also celebrates the coming of spring. At Easter, children receive gifts of baskets containing toy rabbits or chickens and eggs. On Easter Sunday, many people go to church. It is also a traditional time for woman to buy new clothes.

1 . When does the fall holiday season begin in the United States?

A. At Christmas                            B. On New Year’s Eve

C. On Thanksgiving Day                     D. On Easter Sunday

2. Why do children in the United States look forward to Christmas?

A. Because they can eat turkeys

B. Because they can wear new clothes

C. Because they have a good holiday

D. Because they can receive gifts and send cards

3. What do people do on Thanksgiving Day according to the passage?

A. Grateful for good harvests                  B. Celebrate it with a big party

C. Eat turkeys                              D. Give each other gifts

4. New Year’s Eve means the end of the old year, the beginning of the new, and      .

A. the coming of spring                      B. the end of the holiday season

C. the beginning of giving big parties           D. the time for women to buy their new clothes

5. On Easter Sunday, many American people will         .

A. visit friends                            B. go to church

C. have dinner parties                      D. send cards to each other


Part III Cloze


Directions: Using the given words to complete the following paragraph.(每题2, 10分)

in advance | guidelines | acceptable | remind | occasions

Business invitations can be informal or formal. Although invitations are usually sent through the mail, informal invitations such as(via. e-mail and phone invitations are becoming more ____1____.

Invitation Timing

For most formal ____2____, it’s best to invite guests three or four weeks ____3___ . If you choose to invite your guests by phone, ____4_____ them again in writing two weeks before the gathering. Here are a few ___5___ for your information:

Keys: acceptable | occasions | in advance | remind | guidelines


Directions: Using the given words to complete the following paragraph.(每题2, 10分)

cocktail | reception | executives | seminar | guidelines

Here are a few ____1____ for your information:

Six to eight months before an important ____2____ to which out-of-town ____3___ are invited.

Four weeks before an evening ____4____.

Two to four weeks before a ___5___ party.

Keys: guidelines | seminar | executives | reception | cocktail


Directions: Using the given words to complete the following paragraph.(每题2, 10分)

preprinted | notation | off-white | commonly | upholds

Invitation Format

Formal business invitations are most ____1____ printed on white or ____2____ high-quality paper. A company can use any color of paper it desires, as long as it ___3___ and promotes the company’s image.

With ____4____ invitations, you simply fill in the blanks to tell what, where, and when the party will be and who is giving it. It’s also acceptable to include an RSVP ___5___ and your phone number or address on the invitation for more accurate planning.

Keys: commonly | off-white | upholds | preprinted | notation


Directions: Using the given words to complete the following paragraph.(每题2, 10分)

with| unless | from | to | in

Responding ____1____ an Invitation

Either use the address or phone number printed ____2____ the lower left corner of the invitation or return the RSVP card sent ___3___ the invitation. If a “Please reply by” (a  date) is included in the invitation, be polite enough to reply by that date. If the words “Regrets only” are printed in the lower left corner of the invitation, you need only to inform the host if you will not be able to attend. If your host does not hear ____4____ you, you are expected to attend.

Never ask to bring a guest ___5___ the invitation states “Mr. Louis Winthorp and Guest.” Most likely, the host will have only enough food and drinks for the number of people he invites. Showing up with an uninvited friend could turn out to be an embarrassing situation for everyone.

Keys: to | in | with | from | unless


Directions: Using the given words to complete the following paragraph.(每题2, 10分)

RSVP notation | address | image | high-quality | color

Formal business invitations are most commonly printed on white or off-white ____1____  paper. A company can use any____2____ of paper it desires, as long as it upholds and promotes the company’s ___3___. With preprinted invitations, you simply fill the blanks to tell what, where, and when the party will be and who is giving it. It’s also acceptable to include an ____4____ and your phone number or ___5___ on the invitation for more accurate planning.

Keys: high-quality | color | image | RSVP notation| address


Directions: Using the given words to complete the following paragraph.(每题2, 10分)

interactive | wait for | five days | on the telephone | immediate

E-mail is a conversation that does not require an ____1____ response (like a telephone). If someone calls you ____2____, you pick it up and the conversation begins. This is an ___3___ conversation.

With e-mail, you send a message and then ____4____ a response. The response may come in five minutes or it may come in ___5____. Either way, it’s not an interactive conversation.

Keys: immediate | on the telephone | interactive | wait for | five days


Directions: Using the given words to complete the following paragraph.(每题2, 10分)

answering machine | interactive | blessing | immediate | plain

For the ____1____:

E-mail is a conversation that does not require an ____2____ response (like a telephone). If someone calls you on the telephone, you pick it up (unless you have an ___3___, voice mail or you are just ____4____ rude) and the conversation begins. This is an ___5____ conversation.

Keys: blessing | immediate | answering machine | plain | interactive


Directions: Using the given words to complete the following paragraph.(每题2, 10分)

blessing | chit-chat | omit | interactive | e-mail

With ____1____, you send a message and then wait for a response. The response may come in five minutes or it may come in five days. Either way, it’s not an ____2____ conversation.

If a hundred people send you e-mails in one day, so what? You don’t have to talk with all one hundred. Just think of all the hellos, goodbyes and other unnecessary ___3___ you can avoid. With e-mail, you only deal with their messages (which usually ____4____ hellos, goodbyes and such) and you deal with them on your own time. That’s the ___5____.

Keys: e-mail | interactive | chit-chat | omit | blessing


Directions: Using the given words to complete the following paragraph.(每题2, 10分)

schedule | designed | annoyance | assume | within

Now for the ____1____:

Too many e-mail users ____2____ that the minute someone receives an e-mail, the person will read it. Bad assumption.

If you ___3___ a meeting for an hour from now and send an e-mail to each participant, the chance that all the participants will read that message ____4____ the hour will be pretty small. On the other hand, if you schedule the meeting for the next day, the chance that they will read the message will be pretty high. Remember, e-mail is not ___5____ for immediate response (that’s why you have a telephone), it’s designed for convenience.

Keys: annoyance | assume | schedule | within | designed


Directions: Using the given words to complete the following paragraph.(每题2, 10分)

assure | previous | word for word | notify | features

Some (not all) e-mail systems have ____1____ that try to combat this problem. These features (usually called “notification”) will ____2____ you when a person has received your e-mail and may also tell you when the person has read it (really all it can do is ___3___ you that the person has looked at the first screen of the message — it has no way to know if the person has read the message ____4____). Referring back to the example in the ___5____ paragraph, you could check to see who has checked their e-mail before the meeting and then telephone those who have not read it.

Keys: features | notify | assure | word for word | previous


Directions: Using the given words to complete the following paragraph.(每题2, 10分)

symbols | pieced | smilies | cues to | facial

Attachment: ____1____

Since there are no ____2____ and voice ___3___ help e-mail, users have come up with something called “smilies”. They are simple series of ____4____ that are ___5____ together in the e-mail text to help express the writer’s feelings. The most common example is :-) (a smiling face). Here are some more examples.

Keys: smilies | facial | cues to | symbols | pieced


Directions: Using the given words to complete the following paragraph.(每题2, 10分)

internet | talking | setback | reaching | disconnected

Why is it that the more connected we get, the more ____1____ I feel? Every advance in communications technology is a ____2____ to the intimacy of human interaction. With e-mail and instant messaging over the ____3____, we can communicate without seeing or ____4____ to one another. With voice mail, you can conduct entire conversations without ever ___5____ anyone.

Keys: disconnected | setback | internet | talking | reaching


Directions: Using the given words to complete the following paragraph.(每题2, 10分)

phone | contact | automated | answer | goes up

If my mom has a question, I just leave the ____1____ on her machine. As almost every conceivable ____2____ between human beings gets automated, the alienation index ____3____. You can’t even call a person to get the ____4____number of another person any more. Directory assistance is almost always fully ___5____.

Keys: answer | contact | goes up | phone | automated


Directions: Using the given words to complete the following paragraph.(每题2, 10分)

invisible| interrupting | absent | lonely | revolution

I’ve got a cell phone, e-mail and voice mail. But why am I so ____1____?

A funny thing happened on the way to the communications ____2____: we stopped talking to one another.

I was walking in the park with a friend recently, and his cell phone rang, ____3____ our conversation. There they were, talking and talking on a beautifully sunny day and I became ____4____, ___5____ from the conversation.

Keys: lonely | revolution | interrupting | invisible | absent


Directions: Using the given words to complete the following paragraph.(每题2, 10分)

to | zooming | on | without | hushed    

The park was filled with people talking ____1____ their cell phones. They were passing other people ____2____ looking at them, saying hello, noticing their babies or stopping to pet their puppies. Evidently, the cordless electronic voice is preferable ____3____ human contact.

The telephone used to connect you to the absent. Now it makes people sitting next to you feel absent. Recently I was in a car with three friends. The driver ____4____ the rest of us because he could not hear the person on the other end of his cell phone. There we were, four friends ___5____ down the highway, unable to talk to one another because of a gadget designed to make communication easier.

Keys: on | without | to | hushed | zooming


Directions: Using the given words to complete the following paragraph.(每题2, 10分)

instant | disconnected | conduct | connected | setback      

Why is it that the more ____1____ we get, the more ____2____ I feel? Every advance in communications technology is a ____3____ to the intimacy of human interaction. With e-mail and ____4____ messaging over the Internet, we can now communicate without seeing or talking to one another. With voice mail, you can ___5____ entire conversations without ever reaching anyone. If my mom has a question, I just leave the answer on her machine.

Keys: connected | disconnected | setback | instant | conduct


Directions: Using the given words to complete the following paragraph.(每题2, 10分)

automated | attendant | conceivable | swipe | alienation index   

As almost every ____1____ contact between human beings gets automated, the ____2____ goes up. You can’t even call a person to get the phone number of another person any more. Directory assistance is almost always fully ____3____.

Pumping gas at the station? Why say good morning to the ____4___ when you can ___5____ your credit card at the pump and save yourself the bother of human contact?

Keys: conceivable | alienation index | automated | attendant | swipe


Directions: Using the given words to complete the following paragraph.(每题2, 10分)

option | intended | cringe | insert | deposit

Making a ____1____ at the bank? Why talk to a clerk who might live in the neighborhood when you can just ____2____ your card into the ATM?

I am no Luddite. I own a cell phone, an ATM card, a voice mail system, an email account. Giving them up isn’t an ____3____ — they are great for what they are ____4___ to do. It’s their unintended consequences that make me ___5____.

Keys: deposit | insert | option | intended | cringe


Directions: Using the given words to complete the following paragraph.(每题2, 10分)

canned | contact | resident | accommodate | fortunate

Welcome to Climer Lodge. We are ____1____ to have this beautiful facility to ____2____ very special guests from Miami University. In our efforts to serve you, we ask that you note the following:

  ●The ____3____ manager lives in Room 129, near the lobby entrance, and may be reached by dialing 9-5226. Please ____4___ the manager if you have any questions or needs after 5:00 P.M. on weekdays and throughout weekend stays.

  ●On the lower level of Climer you will find an ice machine, a ___5____ beverage machine, a lounge area and kitchenette where coffee and tea and a light continental breakfast are provided.

Keys: fortunate | accommodate | resident | contact | canned


Directions: Using the given words to complete the following paragraph.(每题2, 10分)

lifeguard | present | leave | non-smoking| allowed

Lounge Hours:

6:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. daily. It is a ____1____ atmosphere.

  • Recreation Center Hours:

9:00 A.M. to 10:00 P.M., Sunday through Thursday. 9:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M. on Friday and Saturday. No ____2____ is on duty in the swimming pool. Parents are       required to be ____3____ at all times when children are in the pool. No children are       ____4___ in the sauna.

Check-out time is 10:00 A.M. Upon departure, please ___5____ the key in your room.

Keys: non-smoking | lifeguard | present | allowed | leave


Directions: Using the given words to complete the following paragraph.(每题2, 10分)

upon | at | by |for | with

Because we are unable to provide housekeeping services on weekends,        weekend guests will be provided ____1___ extra towels to make your stay more comfortable.

We apologize ____2____ any inconvenience caused ____3___ the lack of housekeeping services.

An iron and ironing board is available ____4___ request. Please dial 9+1279 during business hours or 9+5226 in the evenings and ___5____ weekends.

Keys: with | for | by | upon | at


Directions: Using the given words to complete the following paragraph.(每题2, 10分)

comments | additional | on | extension | jot

If you have any ____1___ needs, please contact the Resident Manager (____2____ 9+5226).

We hope you will enjoy your stay here and find your room comfortable and pleasant.

Thank you for visiting with us.


May we have your ____3___ and suggestions? If there is anything you would like to mention, please ____4___ it down ___5____ the back of this form and leave it with your key.

Keys: additional | extension | comments | jot | on


Directions: Using the given words to complete the following paragraph.(每题2, 10分)

good | leave | different | best |wondering

Best Places to Eat in Beijing and Shanghai

This will be our first time in Beijing and Shanghai. One of the ____1___ things about traveling is all the ____2____ foods you get to try. There is Chinese food in the US, but it’s not nearly as ____3___ as the food in China! Plus there are lots of things you can’t get in the US.

Now we are ____4___ about what people who actually live in Shanghai and Beijing think are the best places to eat?

If you can ___5____ a message below that would be great.

Keys: best | different | good | wondering | leave


Directions: Using the given words to complete the following paragraph.(每题2, 10分)

cuisine | snacks | pity | vegetarian | cliché


You’ve got to have Beijing Duck at Quan Ju De ( 全聚德). You’re not a ____1___ right? LOL. Have a nice time in Beijing.     (Dong Dong)              


Must go places for eating: I guess the only thing I would recommend is the Xiaolong Bao in Yu Garden ... uh ... it’s a little bit ____2____ ... but it is still the signature dish of Shanghai ... apart from that, you can find every kind of dishes of regional flavor there ... god bless.  (Ming Tao)


Its a ____3___ u stay in Hangzhou only a few hours, flying guys!  (Xuehe)                                                                                  


Hi! It was really nice meeting you today at the bar! Hope you enjoyed your stay here in Shanghai so far ... and you can try Shanghainese ____4___ some time ... or maybe some ___5____ at the City God’s Temple (Chenghuang Miao in Chinese). They’re really one of a kind. (Dahai)                                                                                                

Keys: vegetarian | cliché | pity | cuisine | snacks


Directions: Using the given words to complete the following paragraph.(每题2, 10分)

floating | ordered | target | unlimited | located

Few minutes after sitting inside Qiu Jun’s car, huh, we are really reaching the sea.

Oh, actually they ____1___ on the Sunrise Seafood Restaurant, which is just ____2___ besides our company, but we need to turn a big round only to reach there.

Hmm, this restaurant is quite good, “____3___” on top of the sea. An ____4___ sea-view.

Uncle Zhou treats us to lunch there. Wow, we finish almost all the ___5____ food. I feel surprised that I do not recommend food over here. Hehe, I cannot tell my mother, or else she will call me immediately with blar blar blar.

Mum, don’t worry, I did not eat any meat, see, my plate is empty.

Keys: target | located | floating | unlimited | ordered

Part IV

Directions:Match the words in Column B with the equivalence in Column A.(每题一分, 10分)

1. snack | congratulation | entrance | auction | feedback | barbecue | identity |mystery| investigation | crime

大错| 身份| 网络| 拍卖| 入口| 烧烤野餐| | 祝贺| 调查| 小吃

KEY: 小吃| 祝贺| 入口| 拍卖| 反馈| 烧烤野餐| 身份| | 调查| 大错  

2. acceptable | occasions | remind | executive | reception | cocktail | uphold  | image | notation |embarrass

形象| 场合| 令人尴尬| 鸡尾酒| 支撑| 可接受的| 标记| 提醒| 主管| 招待

KEY: 可接受的| 场合| 提醒| 主管| 招待| 鸡尾酒| 支撑| 形象| 标记| 令人尴尬

3. in advance | RSVP | inform | reserve | go Dutch |wonder |message | recommend |signature | regional

 推荐| 提前| 想知道| 告知| AA| 请回复| 口信|  签名| 区域的| 预定

KEY: 提前| 请回复| 告知|  预定| AA| 想知道| 口信|  推荐| 签名| 区域的

4. target | treat | actually | bar | Fortunately | recommend |flavor | temple |Seafood | blog

 款待| 瞄准| 酒吧| 真正地|  博客| 幸运地| 寺庙| 推荐| 海鲜| 口味

KEY: 瞄准| 款待| 真正地| 酒吧| 幸运地| 推荐| 口味| 寺庙| 海鲜| 博客

5. remind |seminar| virtual | occasion| notation| surf| benefit |plaza | auction | recruitment

 冲浪| 资助| 广场|  拍卖| 招聘| 提醒| 研讨会| 虚拟的|  场合|  标记  

KEY: 提醒| 研讨会| 虚拟的|  场合|  标记| 冲浪|  资助|  广场| 拍卖| 招聘

6. browse | strawberry | slang | confuse | abbreviation | blessing| chit-chat | annoyance | assumption | convenience

 缩写| 好处| 闲谈| 烦恼| 浏览|  草莓| 俚语|令人困惑| 假设| 方便

KEY: 浏览| 草莓| 俚语| 令人困惑| 缩写| 好处| 闲谈| 烦恼| 假设| 方便

7. schedule | participant | design | notification | previous | cue | symbol| wink | devilish |  perplexed

  设计| 眨眼| 魔鬼似的| 安排时间| 参加人| 困惑的|  通知| 先前的| 提示| 符号

KEY: 安排时间| 参加人| 设计| 通知|  先前的|  提示| 符号| 眨眼|  魔鬼似的| 困惑的

8. wry | frown | leer | scream |  statement | receptionist | dial | extension | connect | stubborn

 尖叫| 陈述| 接待员|  连接| 顽固|  扭曲的| 皱眉|   媚眼|   拨号| 分机号   

KEY: 扭曲的| 皱眉| 媚眼| 尖叫| 陈述|接待员| 拨号| 分机号| 连接| 顽固

9. revolution | invisible |puppy | cordless | hush | zoom | gadget|  setback|  conceivable| alienation

 小狗| 无线的| 倒退|革命|看不见的|可想象的|  疏远|使安静下来|  疾驶| 小机件  

KEY: 革命| 看不见的| 小狗| 无线的| 使安静下来| 疾驶| 小机件| 倒退| 可想象的| 疏远

10. index | pump | swipe | insert | option |cringe | appointment | gracious | available | renovate

 空闲的| 畏缩| 约见| 指数| 加油| 刷卡| 插入| 选择|有礼貌的|重新装修

KEY: 指数| 加油| 刷卡| 插入| 选择| 畏缩| 约见| 有礼貌的| 空闲的| 重新装修

11 jewelry | proprietor | inattention | facility | accommodate| resident | lobby | beverage | lounge | continental

 提供食宿| 常住的| 首饰| 业主| 怠慢| 欧洲大陆的| 设施| 大厅| 饮料| 休息室  

KEY: 首饰| 业主| 怠慢| 设施| 提供食宿| 常住的| 大厅| 饮料|休息室| 欧洲大陆的

12 sauna | departure | prefix | digit | assist | emergency | towel | request | jot | lodge

 前加号| 数字|毛巾| 辅助| 紧急情况| 要求| 草草记下| 酒店| 桑拿| 离开

KEY: 桑拿| 离开| 前加号| 数字| 辅助| 紧急情况| 毛巾| 要求| 草草记下| 酒店

注:每题的排列顺序为: 英文单词, 选项, 英文单词对应的汉语翻译。

Part V Translation:

Directions:This part is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese(每题2, 20分)

1.Can you tell me where I can buy some chewing gum?




2.The police wanted to know what she looked like.




3.Do you know what she was wearing?




4.In the report, they asked how many security cameras there were in the bank.




5.The interviewer asked him how many years he had worked.





6.Do you want to know when he will leave for Shanghai?




7.I want to know which color you prefer — red or yellow.




8.Americans usually make plans for their retirement well in advance.




9.They are commonly regarded as the most promising singers.



C 他们通常被看做最有希望的歌手。

10.I’ve heard from your references that the employer had called them.




6-10 ABACC

11.Would you please inform us the exact date so that we can make proper arrangements.




12.Our estimate of how many people would show up at the party missed by a mile.




13.Your report can include enough details without being a burden to read.




14.What you need is more practice.




15. When they will come hasn’t been made public.




11-15 BABAB

16.Could you tell me where you are from?




17. We should find out whether the museum is open.




18.The question is which route we should choose.




19.The reason why he has gone to Beijing is very clear.




20.It is likely that their group will get ahead of us.




16-20 CACBC

21.It doesn’t matter what courses you take, what matters is to find the great professors.




22.Personally, I will never get used to being retired.




23.Would you like the chance to discover a place of mystery and beauty in the  
southwest of China?




24.When you are learning English, you do not find it clever to put an English
 sentence word for word into your own language.




25.If I might refer back to the problem we were discussing, I think we should make every effort to protect pandas.




21-25 ABCBC

26.Are there any clues and hints for us to piece together to gain a better understanding of the matter?




27.My idea is that we should give them a hand when they are in trouble.




28. It is necessary that another computer center should be set up in our department.




29. The old woman wishes she could live to see her grandson go to college.




30. He talks about that city as if he had been there himself.




26-30 ABCBC

31.If we had made adequate preparations, we might have succeeded.




32.Please dial home and tell them I’m on the way to the company.




33.Since then there has never been any setback in production.




34. I saw him insert the key into the lock.




35. I suggest that you make a deposit at the bank.




31-35 ABCBC

36. You can connect these speakers to your CD player.




37.This is the place where the traffic accident occurred.




38.The contributions that he has made to the country will never be forgotten.




39.I’d like to see the employee who has put forward the valuable suggestion.




40.Could you tell me the reason why you refused the invitation to his birthday party?




36-40 BABCB

41.The pen, which I bought yesterday, will be sent to you as a gift.




42.I can’t tell you the exact time when she will be in Guilin.




43.He sold the house, which annoyed his wife.




44.The ship which is being loaded is leaving tomorrow.




45.I didn’t get a pay rise, but this wasn’t the reason why I left.




41-45 ABCBA

46.I’m sure I’ll enjoy everything that you cook.




47.In case of emergency, please dial the alarm number 110.




48.The off-campus students go to and from school every day by school bus.




49.The receptionist jotted down his name and ID number before arranging for his room.




50.Upon departure, please turn off the air-conditioner.




46-50 BCBAB

51.If you have any additional requests or needs, please contact the resident manager.




52.When he was a child, he displayed extraordinary talent.




53.Before we make any decision, we should listen to what the others say.




54.I will come to your party unless something unexpected happens.




55.He was punished because he broke the window glass.




51-55 CBABB

56.She gave up her job in order that she could take care of the two children.




57.Even if he loses the election, he will still have control over the country’s foreign policy.




58.If you leave now, you’ll be home in two hours.




59.They were playing in the garden when they heard a scream.




60.I’d like to book a table for six this Friday evening.




56-60 BABBB

61.Althoughthe ecological environment was becoming better, the problems were still serious.




62.Althoughit is late, I’d quite like to go out.




63.It’s best to avoid going out in the strong midday sun.




64.If you are invited to a formal party, it’s best to wear a suit and a tie.




65.I’ll stay in Mexico as long as my money holds on.




61-65 ABCAB

66.I’ll never forget that as long as I am living.




67.She is coming either today or tomorrow.




68. Can you speak either English or French?




69. You will never succeed unless you work hard.




70.I have a friend who never exercises unless she’s training for a marathon.




66-70 CABCA

71.If you say you are free and the invitation turns out to be something you hate to do, then you will be in a position to take back your acceptance.




72.Several of the modern-looking buildings turn out to be made of wood, straw and mud.




73.Either way, the lady will have to stand until someone else gets off.




74.Either way, a permit and inspection would be required.




75.I assumed that the minute you went back home, you would tell him I needed to see him.




71-75 BCABC

76. The waiters here seem to assume that the minute guests sit down at the table, they would prefer to have a cup of tea.




77. The chance that he will be admitted to this university will be pretty small.




78.The chance that he will be promoted to the General Manager of the company will be pretty high.




79. They have no way to confirm whether his saying is true.




80. Even talented scientists have no way to precisely forecast the future.




76-80 ABCAB

81.All I can do is keep a smiling face.




82.There is no way for us to deal with it; all we can do is to get on with it.




83.If this is the case where you are located, you’d better hope that there is an honest and respectable person in that position.




84.Finally, if you are debating whether or not to send something personal by e-mail, either deliver it by hand or send it by post.




85.The hall was filled with students waiting for the interview.




81-85 CABCA

86.The square of the village was filled with people watching the football match of the World Cup.




87.We used to grow beautiful roses.




88.Peter used to read the newspaper before breakfast.




89. Why is it that this conclusion is wrong?




90.Why is it that she can sing better than I?




86-90 BCABC

91.As I knew him better, I discovered that my first impression of him had been / was wrong.




92.We get wiser as we get older.




93.Why use wood when you can use plastic?




94. Why ask me to do it when you can do it yourself?




95.It was the article written by Bill that made her famous.




91-95 ABCAB

96.It was last Monday that Jack received an e-mail from Mary.




97.If answering someone else’s line, be sure to include their name in your greeting, so that the other party does not think they have reached a wrong number.




98. People get busy and can seem surprised until you remind them of where they should remember you from.




99.In this global village today, you never know whom you will be doing business with in the future.




100. They were fortunate to have got admission tickets to attend the famous scientist’s lecture.




96-100 CABCA

101. I was fortunate to see his excellent performance yesterday.




102.Don’t hesitate to contact me if you need more information about the service.




103.Please contact our sales manager if you are interested in our new products.




104. Upon departure, please check to make sure that nothing is left behind in the hotel.




105.Upon arrival, you should find a guide to help you go sightseeing.




101-105 BCABC

106.The project is designed to provide young people with jobs.




107.The laid-off workers are provided with necessities of life for a period of time by the companies they have worked with.




108. I apologize to you for my not contacting you in time.




109. Mr. Howard apologized to his students for lack of patience and keeping on shouting at them.




110.May I have your telephone number and e-mail address?




106-110 ABCAB

111.May we have your advice or opinions on the management of the hotel?




112. Ask about the cleanliness in both shared and private spaces to ensure that the hotel is meeting the standards of cleanliness.




113. But if the guests are hotel-bound or the hotel is meant to meet the guests’ every need, then asking about the food and beverages is essential.




114.Ensuring that your staff is friendly without being pushy or meddling is key, so include questions on your hotel guest survey that home in on this.




115.Visitors say that the food in this restaurant is not as good as it claims.




111-115 CABCA

116.Because he has many things to do, he does not spend as much time studying as he used.




117. Apart from being too large, it just doesn’t suit me.




118. Do you have any other questions apart from the one we discussed just now?




119.It’s really nice being invited to attend the meeting.




120.It’s really nice talking with Professor Smith face to face.




116-120 BCABC

121.I was not late for class yesterday, just having no time to hand in my homework before class.




122.It was not that he showed no concern for his children, just having no time to be together with them.




123. I felt surprised that they offered me the job.




124The manager felt surprised that I had fulfilled the task in such a short time.




125.We have all experienced her thoughtfulness, her consideration, and her warmth, and know that there is always a big smile on her face for her loved ones.




121-125 ABCAB