王浩斌1, 王飞南2
(1.吉首大学 政治与公共管理学院,湖南 吉首 416000;2.中共湘西州委党校 邓小平理论教研室,湖南 吉首 416000)
摘 要:马克思主义中国化进程是一个牵涉政治、经济、文化、思想观念等在内的社会性、历史性以及实践性的整体变迁过程。整体性是马克思主义中国化进程中内在本质属性的外在展现,是马克思主义中国化学科体系构建的重要前提和逻辑起点。为此,马克思主义中国化的学科化建设也就必须着眼于整体性的理论视野。
Abstract:The process of Marxism Chinese Characterization is the social, historical and practical overall vicissitude process which involves politics, economy, culture, ideas and so on. The integrity is the external development to the intrinsic essential attributes on the process of Marxism Chinese Characterization, which is the important premise and logical startpoint of the discipline system construction of Marxism Chinese Characterization; therefore, the discipline system construction of Marxism Chinese Characterization must focus on the integral theoretical fieldvision.
Key words:Marxism Chinese characterization; integral fieldvision; discipline construction
方 文, 邓国林
(苏州大学 政治与公共管理学院,江苏 苏州 215123)
摘 要:民族精神与道德建设是内在联系的,弘扬和培育民族精神能有效地促进道德建设。探索培育民族精神加强道德建设的基本途径具有重要的现实意义。新时期培育民族精神加强道德建设要始终以社会主义核心价值体系为统领,坚持以马克思主义理论为指导,用中国特色社会主义共同理想凝聚民族力量,弘扬创新精神把握时代脉搏,发展先进文化营造美好精神家园。
Abstract:There is an internal relation between national spirit and moral construction,which affects and promotes each other. The exploration of various effective means of enhancing and fostering the national spirit to give impetus to moral construction is of great realistic importance. In our epoch commanded by the socialist nuclear value system,while strengthening moral construction on fostering the national spirit,Marxist theory should be persisted in as a guidance, to gather cohesiveness of the Chinese nation through the establishment of a common socialist ideal with Chinese characteristics, to develop abilities to blaze new trails and grasp the pulse of times, and to create fine spiritual atmospheres by initiating advanced culture.
Key words:national spirit; moral construction; socialist nuclear value system
(武汉大学国际法研究所,湖北 武汉 430072)
摘 要:缔约国报告制度面临的问题是引发改革的动因,而当前诸多改革建议只是从技术层面上入手,因而无法真正推动改革。只有在充分认识到缔约国报告制度的制约因素的基础上,才能提出有针对性的建议。改革的思路应该是,在坚持国家主权的前提下,修改人权公约、重新定位条约监督机构,加强缔约国之间的交流与对话。
Abstract:〖JP2〗It is necessary to reform state reporting system because it confronts several serious problems currently, while the proposals of reform can not resolve these problems effectively. Only when we recognize the elements which limit the state report system’s function, can we put forward practicable suggestions. We should amend human rights covenants and adjust the function of treaty bodies and strengthen dialogues betwe〖JP〗en the state parties on the basis of respecting national sovereignty.
Key words:Human Rights Covenants; state reporting system; reform
张 波, 李德才
(合肥学院思想政治理论研究中心,安徽 合肥 230022)
摘 要:学习是大学生活的主题,学习问题处理不好给大学生带来不少困惑。文章比较详细地分析了家庭教养方式对大学生学习的影响,同时指出各类型教养方式存在的问题,并提出对策性建议。
Abstract:Learning is the major element in colleges, which puzzles students when they can not deal with it properly. The article analyzes the influence of upbringing on learning of college students, indicates the problems of several upbringing modes, and puts forward some specific solutions.
Key words:learning of college students; method of upbringing; influence
(安徽审计职业学院,安徽 合肥 230601)
摘 要:建设和谐文化,构建社会主义核心价值体系,是构建社会主义和谐社会的一项重要任务。研究、探讨和谐校园文化的功能对学院建设和谐校园文化具有重要的指导作用,对贯彻落实科学发展观,全面建设和谐社会具有重要的理论价值和实践意义。文章详细分析了和谐校园文化对培养学生优良品德、健康心灵、审美情趣和情感,规范学生行为,培养学生新思想,提高学生信息素质等六个方面的主要功能。
Abstract:To build a harmonious culture and a socialist core moral system is an important part of constructing a harmonious socialist society. A study on the functions of the harmonious campus culture is very helpful to build this kind of culture and it’s also of great value both theoretically and practically in guiding and implementing the scientific concept of development and the comprehensive construction of a harmonious society. This paper makes a detailed analysis on the six main functions of the harmonious campus culture, namely: cultivating students’ fine moral character, cultivating healthy mental world, fostering students’ aesthetic perception and emotion, regulating students’ behavior, encouraging new ideas and improving students’ information quality.
Key words:harmony; campus culture; function
(安徽科技学院 文法学院,安徽 蚌埠 233100)
摘 要:根据《中共中央宣传部、教育部关于进一步加强和改进高等学院思想政治理论课的意见》的规定,全国高等院校开设了“毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和‘三个代表’重要思想概论”课。只有通过了解教育对象、强化理论研究、改革教学方法,唤起学生参与思想政治理论课的自为性和自主性,实现教师教的主导性与学生学的能动性的交相互动,才能增强该课程教学的实效性。
Abstract:According to the regulations in The Opinion on Strengthenging and Improving the Ideology and Politics Theory Courses in Colleges and Universities issued by the Propaganda Department and Ministry of Education, all the colleges and universities have implemented the course Conspectus of MAO Zedong Thoughts and DENG Xiaoping Theory and the Important Thoughts of “Three Represents”. The efficency of the course could be boosted up only through understanding the teaching objects, strengthening the theory research, innovating teaching methods, summoning up the students’ consciousness in participation and autonomous learning in the course and realizing the interreaction between the teachers and the students, etc.
Key words:Siniciezed Marxism; efficiency; course construction
(合肥工业大学,安徽 合肥 230009)
摘 要:文章从织物的结构形态出发,针对织造法加工的泡泡纱织物,阐述了不同的织物结构相和织口变化之间的关系,论证了泡泡纱形成的主要原理和泡泡纱形成的关键要素。
Abstract:Aiming at the woven seersucher, this article, based on the structural features of the fabric, expounds the relationship between the structural phase and the fell of the cloth, and discusses the forming machanism of seersucher as well as the key factors of seersucher formation. Key words:seersucher; structural phase; fell of the cloth; fabricforming area
钱 洁
(amjs澳金沙门线路首页,安徽 合肥 230051)
摘 要:文章针对中老年的特殊体型,通过分析其穿着正常规格服装出现的问题,提出了中老年特体服装的量体方法,并作了结构上的修正阐述了解决的办法。
Abstract:The paper presents the necessity for the structural revision of the garments for middleaged and old persons according to their special builds. After analying the problems when they wear normal size garments, it puts forward the solution.
Key words: garments for middleaged and old person; special build; problem;revision of structure
韩永昌1, 石永泉1, 方煜华2
(1.成都理工大学 地质灾害防治与环境保护重点实验室,四川 成都 610059;2.中铁十局二公司,河南 商丘 476000)
摘 要:文章论述了桩基复合检测、灌浆加固的原理、施工工艺和钻孔抽芯过程中常见的孔斜防治问题,并结合实例分析了事故原因,提出了应注意的问题。
Abstract:This paper introduces the examination of compound pile foundation, the principle of grouting reinforcement and the construction technology, and elaborates the common problems of the drill hole deviation’s prevention in the process of drilling holes and taking cores. It analyzes the reasons of accidents and puts forward the points for attention.
Key words:pile foundation; compound examination; hole deviation; grouting reinforce
(宜春学院 政法学院,江西 宜春 336000)
摘 要:象山没有具体的师承关系可考,因而,关于其心学形成的理论渊源,亦众说纷纭。在对诸种说法进行分述和评析的基础上,笔者认为,象山心学是其在家学环境的熏陶和佛教禅宗心本论思想的影响下,用孟子“先立乎其大”、“存心养心求放心”等心性论命题对大程、上蔡、信伯、无垢等人的心性论思想进行进一步阐发的结果,由此实现了宋明理学思潮从程朱“理学”理本论向阳明心学心本论的转向。
Abstract:There’re different opinions on the theoretical origin of the forming of Xiangshan’s mind study, because we can’t testify his concrete succession of teachings. On commenting and analyzing all kinds of opinions, it is believed that Xiangshan’s mind study is the result of elucidation to the mind and nature of Dacheng, Shangcai, Xinbo and Wugou with that of Mencius’ propositions, also nurtured by his home school environments and affected by the Zen Buddhism’s thought, and thus the study achieves the turning of NeoConfucianism’s trend from Cheng and Zhu’s Lixue to Lu and Wang’s mind study.
Key words:Xiangshan; mind study; theoretical origin
邓 娟
(安徽大学 政治学系,安徽 合肥 230039)
摘 要:行政自由裁量权广泛存在的同时有被滥用的可能,在现实生活中总是存在滥用自由裁量权的现象。认识到这一点后学者多方探讨对行政自由裁量权的制约因素。文章主要结合行政法中的行政合理性原则阐述其对行政自由裁量权的制约,力图有更多的途径来防止行政自由裁量权被滥用。
Abstract:The administrative discretion exists widely and at the same time is inclined to be abused which turns out to be a common phenomenon in the reality. The perception of this factor inspires many scholars to explore the restraint of administrative discretion in various ways. This paper combines the administrative principle of rationality and further discusses its control over the administrative discretion in an effort to employ more approaches to prevent the administrative discretion from being abused.
Key words:administrative discretion; abuse; administrative principle of rationality
潘友仙1, 过建春2
(1.海南大学 管理学院,海南 儋州 571737;2.海南大学 旅游学院,海南 海口 571700)
摘 要:中部地区在海南经济发展中具有举足轻重的地位,而农民收入低是中部地区经济发展的主要矛盾之一。文章在分析中部地区农民收入变化趋势的基础上,利用灰色关联理论分析影响海南中部地区农民收入的主要因素,并提出相关的建议。
Abstract:The central region plays a special role in Hainan’s economy, however, the low income of the farmers is one of the main contradictions in the economy development. This paper presents some suggestions to solve these problems based on the tendency of farmers’ income and analytical researchs the income of farmers in the central region.
Key words:central region of Hainan; farmers income; tendency; grey related theory
(amjs澳金沙门线路首页,安徽 合肥 230051)
摘 要:直销作为一种相对新兴的营销模式,从传入中国以来得到了广泛应用,但由于不同体制和管理环境的差异也导致了很多变形,如传销的滋生和渗透,扰乱了社会安定团结的局面。从建立和谐社会的角度出发,中国的直销业也应该是和谐的。直销企业要自律,政府要监管,消费者放心消费,这样整个直销行业才能达到“和谐”的境界,从而推动直销在中国健康快速的发展。
Abstract:As a new mode of sale, direct sale is widely used since it entered China. But different systems and management enviroments lead to many distortions, for example, the multilevel marketing, which disturbes the social stabilities in our country. At the point of view of building a harmonious society, Chinese direct sale business should be concordant. Direct sale companies should have the consciousness of selfdiscipline and the government also needs to supervise these companies, so that customers can ease their mind. The direct sale market can reach harmony. The direct sale in China will be developed soundly and fast.
Key words:direct sale; harmonious society; regulation; multilevel marketing
(amjs澳金沙门线路首页,安徽 合肥 230051)
摘 要:实施精益生产会给传统服装生产企业带来巨大的收益,其核心思想是以简化为手段去除生产中一切不增值的工作,文章探讨了传统服装生产企业如何根据精益思维的四个基本原则和服装企业的生产特点, 走精益生产之路,最终享受精益生产带来的巨大利益。
Abstract:The implementation of perfectional production will bring huge income to the traditional clothing enterprises. Its core is to remove the work which will not add value by simplifying the work process. The paper discusses the four principals of perfectional production in these enterprises and their characteristics and points out that only by the perectional production can they enjoy great profits.
Key words:traditional clothing enterprise; perfectional production; one piece flow
王 勤
(安徽大学 财务处,安徽 合肥 230039)
摘 要:高校后勤服务集团财务管理中,集中式管理已成为必然趋势。当务之急是利用网络环境实现集团财务信息化,旨在提高财务管理信息的时效性和全面性,优化资源配置,提高资金使用效率,为集团优化管理和进行经营决策提供科学依据。文章依据高校后勤财务管理的现状,对信息化管理的可行性及发展趋势作了深入的探讨。
Abstract:Centralized administration is a definite trend in the financial administration of logistic group at universities. In order to increase the informative effectiveness and integrality of financial administration, the most urgent affair is to realize the financial informationization by the use of Internet. The optimization of resource deployment and increase of capital efficiency can provide scientific accordance for the optimized administration and decision of a group. According to the current situation of logistic financial administration at the universities, this paper discusses the feasibility and trend of informationbased administration.
Key words:logistic serving group of university;financial administration; informationization; network accounting
(amjs澳金沙门线路首页,安徽 合肥 230051)
摘 要:《诗经》、《论语》等上古文献中都存在不少重叠词,这些重叠词的研究在汉语词汇发展中有举足轻重的作用。文章对《论语》重叠词的数量进行了统计,指出了其构成形式,分析了这些重叠词的特殊表意功能,并对《论语》重叠词远比《诗经》重叠词少的原因进行了探究。
Abstract:There are volumes of reduplicative words in such ancient texts as The Book of Odes and The Analects of Confucius, the study on these reduplicative words plays a very important role in the development of Chinese lexicology. This article makes a statistic on the reduplicative words used in The Analects of Confucius, points out their formalizations, analyzes their special ideational functions, and also approaches the reason why there are much more reduplicative words in The Analects of Confucius than in The Book of Odes.
Key words:The Book of Odes;reduplicative word;number;formalization;ideational function
董 凌
(南京艺术学院,江苏 南京 210013)
摘 要:在高度信息化的当今社会,图形作为信息传达的主要方式之一,已经由纯粹线条的意象到现在表现方式日趋多元化,各学科间的交叉融合更是渗透到艺术创作的各个层面。文章从图形的创意、形式、风格三方面对图形语言设计进行探讨,提出设计作品必须具备多元化,才会大大增强作品的艺术感染力。
Abstract:As one of the most primitive information transfer ways, a graph changes from the pure line image to modern diversified representation in our highly informational society. The cross and integration of all concerning branches of knowledge infiltrate to the artistical creation in various parts.
The paper analyzes the graphic language design from the originality, form and style of graphs and points out that only the diversification of the works can strengthen its artistical appeal.
Key words:graphic language; diversification; originality; form; style
(福建对外经济贸易职业技术学院,福建 福州 350016)
摘 要:文章从高职院校开展产学研合作的特点和现状出发,探讨高职院校在产学研合作过程
Abstract: Based on the characteristics and the current situation of higher vocational colleges’ carrying out industrycollegeinstitute cooperation, the paper discusses the problems existing in the process and puts forward the corresponding solutions and suggestions to the problems, in order to help higher vocational colleges break away from the passive and embarrassing situation in the cooperation and lead industrycollegeinstitute cooperation into the direction of healthy and sustainable development.
Key words:higher vocational college; industrycollegeinstitute cooperation; problem; solution
李桂芬, 李佳成
(七台河职业学院,黑龙江 七台河 154600)
摘 要:现代教育技术的发展尤其是计算机技术的发展是影响教育改革最为重要因素之一。因此通过研究计算机信息网络环境和传统的化学课堂教学模式,将现代教育技术与化学学科进行整合,构建出适应学生身心特征与时代特点的教学模式,优化高职化学课堂教学,是高职化学教学研究的一个重要方法。
Abstract:The development of modern educational technology, especially that of computer science, is one of the most important factors that affects the educational reform. Therefore, through the research of network environment and traditional chemistry teaching methods, it is important to combine modern educational technology and chemistry discipline, set up the teaching mode which adapts the students’ body and mind characteristics and the times, and optimize the quality of chemistry course.
Key words:network environment;vocational college; chemistry; mode of teaching
武 文
(安徽国际商务职业学院,安徽 合肥 230000)
摘 要:在高职英语教学中,提高学生的学习兴趣是非常重要的。文章提出在教学中要联系学生熟悉的内容、把学生当成独立的学习个体、为学生制定短期和长期的学习目标、借助多媒体技术、利用网络资源开展第二课堂活动等方面来提高高职生英语学习的兴趣。
Abstract:Improving students’ studying interest is very important in vocational English teaching. Several aspects are illustrated in this paper on how to enhance vocational students’ studying interests. These aspects include connecting students’ familiar knowledge, considering students as studying individuals, setting the shortterm and longterm aim for students, organizing the secondclassroom activities, using multimedia technology and utilizing Internet resources.
Key words:vocational college student; English study; interest; teaching method
(amjs澳金沙门线路首页,安徽 合肥 230051)
摘 要:高等职业教育快速发展,使英语教学面临许多新情况和新问题。英语教学必须创新和改革。文章分析了高职院校英语教学中存在的问题,从教学模式、方法、内容及教师素质等方面提出了相应对策。
Abstract:With the rapid development of higher vocational education, English teaching is encountering many new situations and problems. The innovation and reform in English teaching is absolutely necessary. This paper mainly presents measures of reform in teaching mode, teaching methodology, teaching content and the quality of teachers
Key words:vocational and technical colleges; English teaching;problem;strategy
高立克, 张小燕
(amjs澳金沙门线路首页,安徽 合肥 230051)
摘 要:体育游戏在体育课教学中具有十分重要的意义,它既丰富了课堂教学内容,活跃了课堂氛围,又提高了课堂教学效果。文章分析了体育游戏的特点和作用,论述了游戏在体育教学的准备活动、基本技术教学、身体素质练习及教学结束等部分的运用。
关键词:体育教学; 体育游戏; 作用;运用
Abstract:The sport game is of great importance in PE. It can not only enrich the teaching contents and invigorate the atmosphere, but also improve the teaching effects. This paper briefly analyses the characteristics and function of sports games and discusses the application of the games in the warmingup exercises, basic skills teaching, bodymaking exercises and the ending of teaching in PE.
Key words:college sport teaching; sports games; function; application